Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

Yesterday I met my new work partner and today I start my day on the job and something tells me that this Killian Jones is going to be a handful. I guess I'll have to wait and see where this job will take me hopefully things will turn around for the better.

"Mommy why you work?" Lily asks me.

"Well Princess I just have to, but dont worry angel I'll see you after work. I love you." I say.

"I love you too Mommy." She says.

Then she hugged me and wouldnt let go. I mean she always does this and Im not surprised, but I cant be late for my first day. Though it did take some time to make Lily let go. So now I am running late. I just hope this doesnt mean trouble.

"Sorry Im late I had...." I start to say as I walk into work.

"Dont care. Next time be on time. You dont get paid to play around." Killian says cutting me off.

"But..." I say.

"No buts Swan. Being a Detective is a big responsibility and if you cant handle it then please go back to just being an officer." He says.

"Look if you would just let me finish what I was saying...." I say.

"Look I really dont care why your late and hearing why will set us back even more. We have work to do. Now put this on." He says and throughs some cop uniform at me.

God this guy is a total dick I mean he gets to where what he wants, but I have to be put in a man's uniform

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God this guy is a total dick I mean he gets to where what he wants, but I have to be put in a man's uniform.

"Jones you do know that you dont have to dress a woman like a man to give her authority... You know what it would make sense if you didnt because your a total sexist asshole. Oh and Im not wearing it." I say and throw the uniform back at him.

"Fine wear what you want. Now lets go we have a job to do." He says.

Oh this jerk is going to be fun to work with. I mean at my old job they knew about Lily and how she is attached to me and sometimes has a hard time letting me go to work. This ass wouldnt even let me talk. I cant let it get to me its a good thing this jerk is only my work partner and that I only have to deal with him at work. Ugh I really hate Killian Jones and that will never ever change.

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