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"Are you done packing?" I ask leaning over Albus' shoulder.

"Almost why?" He asks shoving a cloak into his suitcase.

"Well I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing, I've noticed that you have been acting a little down since Rose and I started dating and I just wanted to check in-"

"You've said that twice."


"You said check in twice."

"Oh... sorry.. but anyways. Are you ok?"

"Yes Scorpius I'm fine." He says rather harshly making me jump a little.

We both stand in an awkward silence, it hasn't been this awkward since the day we first met, "Would it be ok if," i begin wondering if now is a good time to ask.

"If what would be ok?" Albus asked not looking as mad as he used to.

I take a deep breath and ask the question "Would it be ok if Rose sat with us? It wasn't my idea, she wants to but wanted me to ask you to see if it was ok." I say rather fast.

A smile cuts across Albus face and he lets out a little laugh, "Of course she can."

"Oh okay." I say, A weight lifting from my shoulders.

"You should probably go find her before we leave." He says pushing me out of the room, But before he closed the door I trend around as hugged him, he only hesitated a second before hugging me back "Now go." He says and I run off.

It doesn't take me long to find Rose, she's in the library making sure all her books won't be due till after brake.

"Hay Rose!" I say quietly not wanting to be yelled at for being to loud.

"Scorpius!? Oh good can you help me with my book?" She says gesturing tord her large pile of books, it wasn't that she was checking out a lot of books it was more like she was checking out three Reilly big books.

"Yah of course." I say and she hands me the two smaller books and grabs the biggest book to carry herself.

"Are you even going to be able to finish all these books before the end of Break?" And as soon as I say this she gives me the look, a look that I imagine Hermione giving Ron all the time, the look pretty much says are you kidding me? Have you forgotten who you're talking to? "Sorry stupid question."

Rose laughs "there are no stupid questions, unless your in McGonagall's class, then there are stupid questions." She says as we leave the Library "But for the most part I should be able to unless my dad decides to do something as a family, what about you what do you have planned for the Break?"

"I don't know, it's the first holiday that my grandparents aren't coming and dad doesn't really like the holidays so I don't know."

"Why aren't your grandparents coming?"

"Well grandma hasn't been feeling all that well and grandpa is worried that the trip will make her condition worse."

"I'm sorry about that, hay if you ever get bored you can always owl me." Rose says kissing my cheek making me blush a little.

"Oh that reminds me Albus said you could come sit with us." I say as we step  onto a moving staircase.

"Really I wasn't expecting that, didn't you say he was acting weird."

"Yah he has been acting kind of depressed lately but he seemed fine today."

Rose was silent clearly in deep thought "this is my stop, I'll see you later." She said finally, grabbing the books out of my hands and heading up another flight of moving stairs.

When words fail- Albus x ScorpiusWhere stories live. Discover now