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I don't really know why I told Albus that Scorpius was bi, honestly, I don't even know why Scorpius told me instead of Albus in the first place, but it seemed like the right thing to do.

But I do like being here going home with Albus and Scorpius, they have some sort of vibe going on that I really like, it's relaxing like this is a safe place.

I look out the window and admire the blank landscape, Albus laughs at a joke that Scorpions made and soon the candy from the trolley which is gone.

"Do you think that Uncle Dudley and his family will be at Christmas dinner?" I ask sort of absentmindedly.

"I don't see why not," Albus says wiping chocolate off of his face with his cloak.

"What, Uncle Dudley? As in Dudley Dursley?" Scorpius asks shock in his voice.

"Dad and Uncle Dudley made up years ago, he got married to a very nice witch named Cecilia and they have two daughters named Daisy and Poppy, Daisy's in Lily's year but Poppy doesn't have magic," Albus said filling in the holes for Scorpius.

"Lily's year? How come never knew."

"Plot convenience." I joked making Albus laugh.

"But in all seriousness, the real reason is that Daisy has her mother's last name, so she's not Daisy Dursley she's Daisy Nurse," Albus explains

"Why is that?"

"Well, it's actually a very common practice among Half-bloods and muggle born's, because so many witches and wizards where persecuted wall Voldemort was in control of the ministry of magic, many take the last name of there parent who has magic, or in a muggle born's case they change their last name around just a bed so it sounds more magical," I say remembering my mom telling me about it.

"I had no idea," Scorpius says eyes wide with shock.

"I mean mom and Harry have worked hard to make sure that what happened never happens again but sometimes people have to take there own precautions in order to feel safe," I say giving the two boys a sad smile.

The compartment was quite for a solid minute, we all knew about obscurus's, about the pane that some poor witch or wizard could be feeling right now, about how there was only one case of someone living past the age of 10.

An Obscurus is a creature that is created by a young witch or wizard that tries to conceal their magic, they were a lot more common before witches went underground during the Witch hunts, and although they aren't that common now whenever someone finds one the conditions of that wizard or witches life are absolutely horrific.

"We don't have that much longer," Scorpius says breaking the silence.

The next few minutes before we arrive at platform 9 3/4 we had small talk, Scorpius promised to write me and then assured Albus that he would write him to.

The train pulled into the station and slowed to a stop, grabbing our things we joined the crowd of students piling off the train, Scorpius was the first to see his dad, giving a quick goodbye he rushed over to his father and gave him a big hug, dad and aunt Ginny we're waiting for us over by an archway that led out into the muggle world, Lily was already on her mothers side describing everything that had happened to her at Hogwarts, my little brother Hugo stood next to my dad looking eager to leave and head home.

"where's Mom?" I ask noticing her and Harry's absence.

"She had important Ministry business that she couldn't get out of, sorry sweetie," Dad said sounding quite sincere.

Suddenly James bounded over to our group looking quite pleased with himself "where were you?" Albus asked noticing his brother's happy mood.

"nowhere, where's dad?" James said panting for breath.

"Ministry Business." Aunt Ginny said perking my interest, both of them were gone, must be something important, I would have to wait for my dad to spill what he knew like he always did, If he didn't I probably wouldn't have known about The time turner meaning that Albus and Scorpius adventure would have never happened.

After a few more minutes of standing around and catching up we all left platform 9 3/4.

Thank you so much for reading!
Please Comment and tell me what you think, if I have missed any big plot holes please tell me so that I can fix it!
Next part will be out soon so until then stay magical!

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