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I was the first to get on the train and grabbed our usual compartment, I wasn't really doing anything mainly just looking out the window waiting for the train to move.

"Is this compartment full?" I turn to see Rose standing in the doorway, she was quite pretty compared to the other girls at our school but I still couldn't understand why Scorpius liked her "well is it?" She asked.

"No, it's free," I say rather quickly.

Rose took her seat and we sat in silence for a couple minutes, "Are you okay, you know with me being here?" Rose asked Breaking the very awkward silence.

I hesitate before responding "The main reason I said yes to you joining us is that I want Scorpius to be happy and you seem to be making him happy, it doesn't matter if I like having you around or not." Rose doesn't seem phased by this information, it's clear she was expecting it.

"What's the other reason?"

I bite my lip "Honestly I miss being friends and I would at least like to try to be friends again."

Rose smiles at me "I missed being friends too, You know I was a little afraid you were holding a grudge against me." She says with a little laugh.

"What for?"

"Well when Scorpius asked me out I was a little hesitant I didn't want you thinking I was trying to steal him away from you, but I was also a little taken of Guard when he asked me, it was the last thing I expected from him."

"are you serious? He's had a huge crush on you for what seems like forever."

"Well, I thought you two were a couple."

"What?" I laugh but when I look at Rose face I realize she was dead serious "You've got to be kidding me."

"Albus, let us look at the facts, your only friend is a guy, that if we're both honest isn't that masculine, you've never shown any interest in girls and you set off my gaydar."

"I thought only gay people had gaydar."

"We're getting off topic, the fact of the matter is that you Albus Severus Potter are most likely gay or at least bisexual."

I hesitate, she has a point, that might explain why I've felt off ever since Scorpius and Rose got together, could I really have a crush on him? No, I couldn't besides he has a girlfriend and is clearly straight.

"By the way Scorpius is bi," Rose says as if she was reading my thoughts, which now that I think about it, could actually be a possibility.

"Why would you tell me that?" I ask but as soon as the words are out of my mouth Scorpius walks into the compartment ending our conversation quite abruptly.

"Tell you what?" Scorpius asks clearly trying to grasp onto our conversation as to not feel left out.

"That I got an A+ on the potions finale," Rose says with a smile.

"Oh," Scorpius says not sure how to respond "that's great!"

"Yeah, don't tell my mom but I was a little scared, the current Potions teacher doesn't really like me."

"I wonder why..." I say smirking to myself, getting a glare from Rose.

"Don't pay attention to him he's just jealous that you're getting more attention than he is," Scorpius says sitting next to Rose.

The rest of the train ride was quite nice, Scorpius and I ordered one of everything from the trolley Which like usual only this time Rose gave us a lecture on how we were going to rot our teeth, after her lecture she grabbed a chocolate frog.

At first the conversations were a little awkward, ok they were really awkward, but after a few minutes they got better, we talked about what we had planned for the break, unsurprisingly Rose was going to be reading, I was going to have a Christmas dinner with my family but other than that I didn't have anything planned, Scorpius grandparents weren't coming up so he didn't expect his dad to plan anything special, maybe he and his dad could come over for dinner.

Thank you so much for reading! Comment and vote, the next part will be out soon!

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