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Rose's POV
I had always known that the boys were scared of Delphi but I never knew who she was or what she looked like.

Mom told me fears change over time. She used my father as an example, apparently when he went through this lesson his fear was a giant spider, she informed me that after she had me my dad ran into a boggart while he was still working as an ore for the ministry, his fear changed: to my cradle and me missing.

Professor Winchester sent the boggart back into its closet and dismissed the class, I wanted to stay and help bring Scorpius to the nursing wing but Violet dragged me away.

I bit the inside of my cheek trying to figure out why they were both still scared of her, she was locked away in Azkaban and would never get out, she couldn't hurt them.
So why were they scared?

Harry's POV
Unknown to the public Azkaban has been converted to a hospital, it's nearly impossible to get the inmates the help they need because nobody really wants to go to Azkaban to help out the inmates, but somehow we still get people.

Believe it or not, every single inmate that had a dark mark is losing it (there dark mark and minds), we had at least two cases before Christmas, then the week of Christmas we had an explosion of cases almost literally.

Hermione's current theory is that the dark mark is directly connected to the owners magic and when it remove its self from the victim it expels that person magic in a "Magic explosion"?

We're still working on the details.

The only other time I've seen something like this was with a little girl who was muggle born, somehow she flew under our radar and we weren't notified of her existence, nobody knew who she was, so nobody went to explain to her parents what was happening.
And so the horror story that was the life of Ellareen Will-Hawk was placed on my desk.

This was after Ron had left the ministry and I'm actually grateful for that fact, we were booth fathers at that point but Ron would always get attached if a case involved child abuse.

I guess growing up with Molly as your mother gives you a boost in the empathy department.

I don't know why but I've always been able to separate my work from my family and friends, Ron wasn't a go at this witch is why I'm glad was gone for this particular case.

From what we gathered Ellareen was fairly gifted, being able to do a whole assortment of things with her magic, this just made it very obvious to her parents that she wasn't a normal child, when she was 6 (still flying under our radar) her parents took her to there local priest to get an exercise done, and when that didn't work they turned to more violent ways of "freeing her from the devil" as they put it.

My childhood was by no means healthy but I had never been flat out torture.

By the time we learned of her existence the damage was done, she had an obscurus's and.... we didn't get there in time.

The explosion was so big that it killed the families in the three houses around her home.

Sixteen people died, lucky we were able to cover it up.

But it was still the worst case I have gotten to this day.

When I got home everyone was asleep but I still checked to make sure they were safe, kissed each of there foreheads and told them how much I loved them.

I didn't get any sleep that night or the nights after that, but I knew my family was safe.

"Harry, I think you're going to want to hear this," Hermione says snapping me out of my trance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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