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A week had passed and Christmas was quickly approaching, everyone was at grandmas house and we were certainly having breakfast.

the table wasn't fully packed do too many people still being asleep, but me, dad, mom, uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione, Rose and James we're all wake.

Dad was reading an article written by Rita Skeeter, even though she had lost all her renown dad loved reading her articles because he always got a laugh out of them, "Oh looks like we're getting a divorce." He said flipping the pages as mom poured her self a cup of coffee.

"Is it because I'm sleeping with Hermione?" Mom asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"No," Dad said, "It's because I'm sleeping with Hermione."

Mom then slammed her mug down on the table "Goddamnit Harry can't I have my affair in peace."

Trying and failing to hold in his laughter Uncle Ron joined in the conversation "What about me?"

"Apparently you ran away with Neville, and left a four week pregnant Hermione alone with the kids," Dad says trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

"No offense to Neville but I'm sure I can do much better, besides Hermione is a strong independent woman that is fully capable of taking care of herself," Ron says kissing Hermione on the cheek.

"Ron please I doubt you'd even get Neville, and besides if you left me four weeks pregnant you would have a much bigger problem then child-support," Hermione says kissing him back.

"I'm Gay," I say ending the game.

Everyone went quiet, I don't look up from my plate fearing what their faces might look like.

"Well, it's about time." James says making me look at him in shock "Oh please I'm your brother you honestly think I didn't know."

Mom rushed over and gave me a hug "Albus our opinion of you doesn't change, you're still my son and I love you no matter what."

"At least We can stop worry about you getting someone pregnant," Ron says in his joking manner getting an elbow from Rose.

"Your mom.... and uncle have pretty much said it all, your still my son and being gay isn't going to change that," Dad says still smiling.

"Maybe you can give your uncle some tips seeing as he's leaving me four weeks pregnant for Neville Longbottom," Hermione says and we all burst out into laughter.

A White owl flu over to a window, and I instantly knew it was from Scorpius, Rose who was closer to the owl retrieved the letter from its beak "We really need to get him a phone." She said looking the letter over "it's for you." She says looking a little disappointed.

I take the letter giving Rose a look that said: he'll write you soon and then opened the letter.

Help, I'm at home and dads arm is hurting! Just come, please!
- Scorpions
Without a second thought, I drop the letter and rush to grab my wand.

"Albus? What are you doing?" Rose asks grabbing her wand as well.

"Scorpius is in trouble, his dad's arm is hurting or something," I say rushing around.

"Oh shit," Ron says quietly

"You stay here, your Dad, uncle, aunt and I will go and help," Mom says retrieving her wand.

I began to protest but dad cut me off before I could, "If it's Draco's arm then we might be dealing with something a lot more dangerous, you will stay here, the same goes for you James And everyone else in the house!"

And with that, the adults rushed out of the house and Disapparated.
Thanks, so much for reading!

Sorry it was so short but I have a question, what are Scorpius, Albus and Draco's Petronas? This is crucial information!
Anyways please comment and vote.

Next chapter will be out soon so until then I love you all and good night!

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