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Albus POV

The rest of the night went much better than expected. 

After dinner, Draco and Scorpius took the chimney back home.

As everyone started getting ready for bed Teddy pulled me to the side.

"Hey so I got something for you," he began.

"You already got me, Lin, I didn't think I need anything else," I protested.

"This isn't a Christmas present it's more of a birthday present,"

"My birthday isn't until March,"

"I'm not going to be in England in March, or on this side of the planet for that matter, so better early than never,"

"What do you mean you won't be on this side of the planet?" I ask starting to worry,"

"Look it's fine, I'm not sure how much I can tell you about it because it involves smuggling endangered magical creatures out of dangerous countries," Teddy whisper looking around to make sure nobody was listening to our conversation.

To be honest, I don't know what exactly Teddy did for a living but it involved helping people and sometimes endangered magical creatures, Charlie and Teddy always said that Newt Scamander's job was never completely finished.

"Anyways hear," he said handing me a small flat stone that had a hole in the middle of it, "it's a Hag stone," he explained quickly, "Muggles believe that they hold magical properties, and they were right, the stones are naturally formed and hold small amounts of magic that protect you from curses nightmares and so on, it's also believed that if it breaks it has used its power to protect a life but I'm not too certain on that,"

"Thanks," I replied looking at the stone, it was about the same size as my hand and was very smooth.

"Also, stay safe okay, remember to tell people about your problems instead of keeping them in," Teddy said giving me a pat on the shoulder before heading off.

Needless to say, it was a good Christmas.

Time Skip!
Because of of-of Why The Hell Not!

Christmas break was over and it was time to go back to school.

Scorpius and I made it back to our room, it was exactly the way we had left it (if not a bit cleaner).

I placed Lin and her new vivariums next too my bed, she was curled up in a tiny snake ball.

"How's your dad?" I ask still looking at Lin.

"Oh... yeah he's fine," Scorpius said sounding a bit distracted.

Looking over at him I see that he is shaking, "Scorp? Are you okay?" I ask walking over to him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine... y-you know what I need to go find Rose, yeah that's what I need to do," he murmured the last part as he headed to the door and left.

"I have a weird taste in best friends Lin," I say to the sleeping snake who didn't give a response back, "Oh well better finish unpacking,"
To that Lin gave a quick his as to say 'Yah stop talking about your crush and get back to work'.

"You know I'm not going to do it just for that comment," I say sitting on my bed and pulling out my potions book, I hate to fall into the stereotype of Slytherins but potions are by far my favorite class, and no it's not because of the new teacher.

Scorpius' POV

I rushed out of the common room into the hallway, Rose, find Rose!

It was the only thing I could think off, I didn't even know what I would say but I needed to find her.

When words fail- Albus x ScorpiusWhere stories live. Discover now