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Finally, Christmas was here, it felt like it was never going to happen like months had gone by waiting for Christmas, but finally, it was here and the house couldn't be more lively.

Dad was in the kitchen with Grandma Molly helping with breakfast, he was a great chef but didn't get to cook often because he was always so busy, Teddy had arrived yesterday and he was acting all cute with his girlfriend Victoire, Why they hadn't gotten engaged yet I don't know there were both out of school holding stable jobs and are clearly in love with each other! but I'm not one to judge.

Grandpa Arthur had insisted that we have a Christmas tree but Grandma wouldn't allow it because they were too messy so they settled on an illusion, underneath the illusion was a pile of presents each with a name written on it, I was snooping around earlier and found one with Scorpius' name on it, it was from Grandma I just knew it.

Breakfast looked amazing but before we could sit down and eat there was a knock at the door, Grandma rushed to answer it, she came back a second later being followed by Draco.

"Dad!?" Scorpius shouted ruing over to his father and giving him a big hug.

"Careful of the arm, it still hearts,"Draco said hugging his son back.

The two stud in their embrace before finally breaking apart, they had gotten better at hugging.

"We should probably be off, thank you for everything," Draco said looking at Dad.

"No problem, its the least I could do," Dad said with a quick smile.

"You two are not leaving in this weather!" Grandma said using her stern-mom voice, everyone just looked at her, Scorpius didn't look that shocked but Draco looked beyond shocked like he had been lied to his entire life and only now was realizing it he looked like someone had told him that magic didn't exist and then had given hard proof to support the claim.


"The weather is terrible! And it's going to get worse, besides we're about to have breakfast!" Molly said jesting to the table full of food.

"This seems more like a family affair, I don't want to intrude," Draco said standing firm on his decision.

"Sooner or later you will be related to us, it's better if you expect it now."

"Actually he is already technically related to me," Teddy said making a few people turn.

"Teddy? Almost didn't recognize you," Draco said smiling.

"What were related?" Scorpius asked looking at his father and Teddy.

"My grandma and Draco's mom were sisters," Teddy explained.

"You two have meat?" Dad asked looking confused.

"Wall Teddy was still living with his grandparents me and my mom went to visit, long story short they started taking and I ended up babysitting Teddy, One thing lead to another and I babysat him a couple more times but then he moved in with you and I got married..." Draco trailed off.

"Well, now you're really stuck with us," Ron muttered.

"Oh come on now make some room for them!" Grandma Molly barked.

After breakfast we all moved into the living room where it became a present throwing frenzy, George tossed Ron a box rapper in yellow paper who then handed it to Teddy and so on and so forth.

Everyone got a sweater with there first initial and there House colors even Scorpius and Draco, other presents were given and pretty soon the floor was covered in different colored wrapping paper.

Opening a box with holes in it I was greeted with a Brown and Gold snake, her eyes were a Pool black but it was a pretty pool, she lifted her Head and we started at each other as if we were having a silent conversation, her pink tongue shot out of her mouth and touch the tip on my noses marking me smile.

"Who the hell gave Albus a snake?" Uncle Neville asked, everyone dead silence and looked at me and my new pet.

"Harry?" Mom asked but dad shook his head, everyone looked at one another and then I made eye contact with Teddy who gave me a wink.

"Don't matter! I love her!" I said taking her out of her box and holding her in my hand, her tongue shut out of her mouth again and touched my check.

"What are you going to name her?" Rose asked.

Thinking for a second I come up with the best name, "Well you all know how Voldemort's snake was named Nagini?" I added.

"....Yes," my dad said cautiously.

"Well I think he missed a golden opportunity," I continued.


"Everyone meat Linguini," I said holding my hand out for everyone to see, Teddy burst out laughing along with a few others.

"Son.... son no," Dad said shaking his head.

"You can call her Lin for short!" Poppy suggested, her sweater was her favorite colors purple and a dark pink.

The rest of the unwrapping of presents went on without a hitch, Scorpius and Rose cuddled on the far side of the couch and I tried not to look jealous.

Mom, Dad, Draco and the other parents went into the kitchen to talk wall the kids stayed in the living room admiring the new positions.

Lin had nestled herself on my shoulder wall I looked through the book Anti-Hermine he had gotten me.

Sneaking a look over at Scorpius and Rose I felt my gut tighten, Scorpius' arm was around her and their legs were intertwined, in between them was a book that neither of them seemed really invested in, honestly if the room wasn't full of people they would probably be kissing, and that made me even madder, looking away I Doug my fingernails into my wrist, closing my eyes I count to 10 only to have my thoughts interrupted by a vivid image of Scorpius' lips, digging my fingernails deeper into my skin I open my eyes and curl my body up tighter.

He is your best friend! He has a girlfriend! You need to be happy for him not jealous! What's wrong with you?

I could feel the tears started to well up but I pushed them away, no you will not cry here, not now!

Taking a deep breath I continued to look through the book.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry if it was short and sorry for taking so long to update...
If you have any suggestions for the story I love to hear them!

  — Love The Author!

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