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Okay so I feel like I should probably put a disclaimer at the beginning of this chapter, so I haven't read the Harry Potter books in quite a while so all of my information is basically A lot of  bullshit, and because I'm being stupid I'm not really rereading the books... so when I'm talking about certain places or things that are probably explained in more clarity in the book I'm just fudging my way through it all.
Basically all of this is Bullshit, but High quality Bullshit, like this bullshit could exist in the Harry Potter world but it has shaky evidence to support it.

The wizard hospital was plane but yet felt homie in a weird way that's hard to explain, the waiting room was filled with many different people, some had face masks on others had cuts and bruises over there bodies, one would think that these things would be easy fixes with a simple spell but truth was that if a healing spell was used too often on someone the spell would loosen its affect, that was one of the reasons that self-harming wizards were so hard to spot because it's only after the healing spells start losing its affect that it's too late.

Hermione and Ron sat in the waiting room wall Harry paced back-and-forth, we walked over to them and Harry stopped pacing.

"How is he?" Ginny asked placing a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to come for me.

"He used a stunning charm on himself," Harry said biting his lip, "They took him to the ER but they won't tell us anything else because we're not family."

I feel panicked building up, he's all I have left I lose him and I have nothing! No one! Ginny's voice broke my train of thought, "You don't need to worry alright, I'm going back to the house to get Albus and Rose,"

"You Sure that's a good idea?" Harry asked, Ginny didn't say anything, she simply gave him a look I had seen Rose give many people, the look said: don't as stupid questions!

Harry shrugged and then Ginny was off, Harry looked down at me, I guess he could feel my nervousness because he gave me a sad smile, "You're Dad is going to get though this, if there's anything I know about years of fighting is that he don't give up easily,"

I smiled to my self, "He said the same about you,"

"You're Dad talked about me?"

I don't know what all I should say, I couldn't necessarily tell my best friends father that my father had revealed that there petty rivalry started because of a crush then turned into a full on rivalry because my dad didn't know how to back out.

"Some times, but um do you know of anyone that has survive stunning themselves?" I said changing the subject, still worried about my dad.

"McGonagle once survived being stunned four times in the chest, I'm quite certain you're dad will survive this" Harry said with a smile, and with that, I calm down, I know hearing about some getting stunned four times shouldn't cheer you up but it was comforting to know that he would be all right, "let's sit down."

You know the saying time flies when you're having fun well I would like to say that time seems to drag when you're waiting, but lucky Ginny got back soon with Albus and Rose.

Standing they both charged and rapped me in a big hug, I didn't know what it was but Weasley's and Potters both gave really good hugs.

"How bad is he?" Rose asked getting strange to the point.

"I think he'll be fine but He was pretty hurt, the recovery might take some time," I said relying the information.

"So he's going to be okay? Oh that's a relief," Albus said giving me another hug.

"Well I still don't know how bad the damage was or if he will ever fully recover, they won't tell me anything because I'm a minor," I said still not feeling reassured.

"Oh come on! He's Draco Malfoy, that man is a well known alchemist, he survive the battle of Hogwarts, and several encounters with my father, he'll be fine!" Albus said easing my nerves.

We all sat down and whited, we had a bit of small chat but for the most part we stayed quite.

"I'm parched, do you two want anything?" Rose asked getting up, I shook my head.

"I'm good but thanks." Albus said and Rose walked off, "So I don't want to put you on the spot anymore than you are but why didn't you tell me you were Bi?" Albus asked making my heart skip.

"Rose told you?"

"She shouldn't have needed to, I thought we told each other everything," Albus said sounding hurt.

"We do I... I was just scared about how you would react, the reason I told Rose was because we're dating... she was the second person I ever told,"

"Who was the first?"

"My mom.."


"She died soon after and I was just scared that it was my fault, I know that's crazy but I told myself that she couldn't handle the shock and I pushed her over the edge,"

"Scorp, it's not your fault,"

"I know I... I had planned on telling you but she died and I was just so scared and sad," I began choking on my words tears welling up.

"Hay it's ok, you're still my best friend that's never going to change, oh come on don't cry," Albus said giving me an awkward hug.

Sorry, it was short, next part will be longer!

When words fail- Albus x ScorpiusWhere stories live. Discover now