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POINT PLACE, WISCONSIN wasn't the greatest place to live

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POINT PLACE, WISCONSIN wasn't the greatest place to live. A shitty, dead end town where most people had spent their whole lives — born, raised, and death. Josephine Callaghan vowed she would never be one of those people, and everyone always knew she would be the one to make it out of there.

Leaving to go to school in France during their freshman year of high school, nobody ever expected her to return. All she ever talked about was getting out of the dead beat town and living her life to the fullest, and then she did, but not for as long as she'd like.

Coming home from school, Josie was met with her housing family sitting very tensely in the living room, uneasy looked plastered on their faces. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked carefully, setting her bag in the doorway before walking closer to them.

"Josephine, take a seat" Dominic spoke hoarsely, not daring to make eye contact with her. "Did I do something wrong?"

She was extremely anxious. Josephine had lived with the family for two years, and not once had she gotten in trouble. Her grades were perfect, as well as her attendance— except the time she got the flu. There wasn't anything she could think of that could get her in trouble.

"No, not at all. We— we have to send you home, Josephine" he told her with sad eyes. "What? Why?" Her eyes widened, and she felt a lump form in her throat. "Marcee and I, we had to file for bankruptcy. We're to be moving in with my parents while we get back on our feet, and I'm afraid since we can no longer provide for you.." he trailed off, finally looking the young girl in the eye.

Nodding silently, Josephine forced the lump down before she spoke quietly. "When?"

The answer she got wasn't what she expected, "Tonight. You have a flight home at four this morning."

It was like everything in her life had fallen apart all at once. At school, her boyfriend broke up with her during lunch, and now she was being sent back to the place she hated most in the world, and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it.

Leaving the couple quietly, Josephine went to her room to pack her things, crying as she did. She thought about her friends, how it pained her to leave them so abruptly. How badly she would miss girls nights, movie nights, and sneaking into bars. Living in France made her feel like she could amount to something in her life, for the first time ever. Now, that feeling was gone.


Arriving at the airport gates, Josie took a deep breath and turned to face Dominic and Marcee, all three of them with tear filled eyes.

The sound of running feet caused her to divert her gaze from them for a moment, a sad smile growing once she saw her girlfriends running full speed towards her. "Josie!" Annalise cried as she wrapped her arms around the girl, squeezing tight. "I can't believe you're leaving" she frowned.

"I know, me too" Josie frowned back at her, looking at Bella and Camille with the same sad look. The two took their turns giving her a hug, muttering their goodbyes through tears.

"Promise you'll write to us?" Camille asked, smiling when Josephine nodded at her. "Of course I will, you guys are my best friends, I don't want to miss anything that happens."

Giving them each another long hug, she turned back to the two people who had become her parents. "Thank you both so, so much. These past two years have been incredible, I wish we had more time together" she frowned as tears began falling down her face once again.

"Oh, Josie, we love you so much. You've become a daughter to us, and that's all we've ever wanted" Marcee smiled sadly at her as she wiped the tears from Josies cheeks.

"I love you guys" Josie said as she hugged them both, sighing when she heard her flights announcement. Her time abroad was up, and it couldn't be any more heartbreaking. Dominic and Marcee walked her to the gate, watching her until she was out of sight. They stayed until the plane took off, disappearing into the darkness, taking the last piece of happiness from their lives.

It was a long flight, Josephine unable to sleep. She was worried for Dominic and Marcee and the state they were in, and the things they'd face the next few years. On top of that, she was extremely anxious and angry to be going back to Point Place.

Did any of her old friends still live there? Would they still accept her with open arms? Would they even care to see her back home?

It was unsettling, as was the drive back to her house. She wasn't even sure if her mother knew she was coming home so soon, being in a constant intoxicated state. Maybe Josie being away helped her deal with her problems, but that was a long shot.

Stopping in front of the small yellow house, Josie couldn't make herself move. She was completely frozen, and was practically dragged outside by the taxi driver who had tossed her luggage at her feet before speeding away.

She was home, but she never felt so out of place.



heyyy time for a rewrite!!
hope u guys are still stickin around LOL

Josie is no longer a member of the Forman family,
I wanted her to have her own story :))

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