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Jackie was known for being rich. She always talked about it, and was always up with the latest trends. She invited Josie over to help her rid of some clothes, mainly giving them to her.

"What about this?" Jackie asked as she held up a long sleeved cropped shirt. It was tied at the front, right under the cleavage area, and had a squiggly pattern. It was also silk. "Oh my god, that's so cute" Josie gawked. "Try it on" Jackie said as she tossed it to her.

Josie took her shirt off, and Jackie yelled. "Jesus, Josie! Learn to put on a bra! Do you want saggy boobs?"

"Actually, bras do nothing for the elasticity in your boobs other than wear it down. Your boobs are more likely to become saggy from your bra than without."

Jackie scoffed and shook her head, then looked through her closet some more. She pulled out a pair of striped pants, a maroon long sleeved jumpsuit that was too big for her, and a knitted top.

Josie, being poor, accepted all items.

The two sat on Jackie's bed, flipping through magazines out of boredom. "I'm hungry" Josie spoke. "Me too. Want pizza?"

"I want fries and a hot dog" mumbled Josie. "Alright, lets go" Jackie said, getting up. Josie followed, put her coat on and grabbed her purse, and the bag of clothes from Jackie.

They drove down to The Hub, and got food - Jackie paid. "You didn't have to pay for me" Josie told her. "Yeah, well, I know you're going through a tough time considering your dad lost his job and all, so it's no biggie" she shrugged. Josie smiled. Jackie was nice when she wanted to be.

"My dad's going out of town next weekend, but I don't know if I want Michael over."

"I wouldn't." "Why?"

"Have you met the guy? Chaos literally runs through his veins. You're just asking for something to get fucked up" Josie told her. "Yeah, but it could be so romantic" she said, eyes glistening with the thought. "Whatever you say."

They sat there for a while, enjoying the company of each other. "I love how you actually want to do things with me. Donna never wants to do anything. It was literal hell while you were gone."

"What about your school friends?"

"They're strictly my school friends. I'll hangout with them sometimes, but they aren't as mature as I am. They've never even kissed a boy."

"Jackie, maturity doesn't depend on whether they've kissed someone or not" Josie laughed. "No, I mean they're still in the 'cootie' phase" she scoffed. "You say everyone who isn't Kelso has cooties."


Later that day, Josie, Jackie, and Jackie's friend Sophia went over to Josie's house. They had assumed no one was there, and they were right. At least for the first hour. Then Hyde came home.

"Well, there's three of you and one of me. Who wants to go first?" he smirked, and Josie and Jackie scoffed. Sophia had no idea what his comment meant. "We could all go at it together if that's what you prefer" he suggested, sticking his tongue out as he laughed.

Josie threw a pillow at him, and then her shoe. "Feisty, I like it" Steven winked as he tossed her shoe back and went upstairs.

"Okay, what was that?" Jackie asked. "What was what?"

"You and Steven! There is so much sexual tension between you two" she exclaimed, slightly disgusted. "Is not!" "Is too!"

Josie sighed. "He slept in my bed a few days ago" she admitted. "What!? You slept together?"

"We literally just slept. Nothing happened. Except for a little cuddling. But that was it! And it didn't change anything between us."

"Clearly it did! You may not realize it now, but you will!" Jackie told her. Josie rolled her eyes and looked over to Sophia, who was twirling her hair around her finger. "I think he's kinda hot. He's got the bad boy attitude. He seems worthless though, he'll get nowhere in life" Sophia said, and Josie's blood began to boil.

"Get out" she said. "What?" Sophia questioned. "Get out before I punch you" Josie replied. "Girls don't punch" Sophia scoffed. Hyde made his was back down to the basement, and did so quietly when he heard Josie threaten to punch someone. So, he crouched down on the stairs and watched.

Josie jumped up and tackled her to the floor, and Jackie immediately stood up trying to get Josie off her. Josie punched her in the stomach, and Sophia pulled her hair, making her more angry. Then, Josie punched her in the nose, and Sophia screamed. Josie stood up, as well as Sophia, who ran out.

"All right!" Steven cheered. "Josie!" Jackie scoffed before grabbing her purse and storming out. Josie pushed her hair out of her face and shoved her hands in her back pockets. "Sup?" she nodded to Steven.

"What was that all about?" he asked. "Oh, nothing" she smiled innocently. "Jo, you cried when you accidentally stepped on a bee. For you to even flick anyone other than those in our friend group, is very, very rare. So, what motivated you to go Muhammad Ali on her?"

"She just, uh... is a really big cunt" Josie nodded. Steven laughed as he sat in his chair, Josie sitting on the couch near him. The two silently watched TV for the next hour.

"She said you were worthless" Josie spoke, still staring at the TV. "You beat her up cause of me?" he asked. "She deserved it" Josie shrugged, and Steven smiled. "You are so badass."

They were silent for a couple more moments, before Steven thanked her. "Of course. I mean, I'm only okay with it if it's coming from Eric or Kelso, cause they're both dumb. And maybe Jackie, cause she thinks everyone is worthless."

"Anyways, I'm off to bed. Night" Josie said as she got up. "Night, Jo" said Hyde as she walked upstairs. He ended up falling asleep in the basement that night, replaying Josie fighting Sophia over and over.


it's literally like 1:30am and i just did a sugar scrub all over my face.. LEMME TELL YA

that shit is MAGICAL i am so soft,, highly recommend

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