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Steven and Jo woke up on the basement couch to the smell of breakfast cooking. Josie snuck upstairs and changed, and Hyde changed as well before going into the kitchen. "Good morning Steven" kitty greeted as he walked in. "Mornin Kitty."

"Josie? I thought you were at Donnas?" Red said when she walked into the room. "I came home last night, I wasn't feeling well." "Are you alright? Do you have a fever?" Asked Kitty. "No, I'm okay now" she smiled at her mom. The family all ate together, and then Josephine when back to her room to read.

Red and Kitty had gone shopping, Eric went to Donnas, and Hyde went to Josies room. "Hey" she smiled at him. He laid beside her in bed with his back against the headboard, and Josie snuggled into him while continuing to read. They sat like that for a while, before she stopped reading.

"Let's go for a walk" said Josie. "Okay, I'm just gonna go get my bag, meet me outside in ten" said Steven, and then he left. Josie got up and fixed her hair, put on her shoes, and waited before going down. When they met in the driveway, Steven had a bag packed. "What's that for?" Josie asked. "You'll see" Steven said as he grabbed her hand and started walking.

The walk was fairly quiet, and they ended up in the trees beneath the water tower, where Steven unpacked a picnic. "Aww, that's why you made me wait? Cute" Josie smiled. Steven laid down a blanket, and the two sat on it and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He even cut the crusts off.

They talked about the future, aliens, and the corrupt government. It was the perfect weather out. The sun was shining warmly on them, and there was the faintest breeze, making the leaves dance softly. They spent two hours laying there and talking before going back home - where the house was still empty.

They went back up to Josies room and listened to music, and laid in bed. Steven traced shapes on her arm, and her stomach, humming softly to the music.

Josie brought his face down to hers, kissing him slowly. He started lifting her shirt over her head, and then took off her skirt. Their hearts were pounding, but they were too excited to stop, so they didn't.

Just as they'd finished, they heard Red and Kitty coming up the stairs. They quickly got dressed, and Steven hid just in case they came in - which they did. "Josie hon, have you seen Eric or Steven at all?" Kitty asked. "No, not since breakfast" said Josie. "Alright, well if you see them tell them we're having pork chops for dinner" kitty smiled and left.

Steven waited another thirty seconds before coming out of the closet, "that was too close" he sighed before climbing back into bed to kiss Josie some more.


After dinner, Josie went over to Donnas to talk about her day with Steven, and how perfect it was. "No way! Was he any good?" Donna asked. "Donna" Josie said with wide eyes, but a serious face. "It was amazing. Like, I don't even have words" Josie said, and Donna was shocked. "Oh my god! That's incredible."

"I'm just worried things are gonna be awkward now" "hey, like you always say, it's only awkward if you make it awkward" said Donna, making Josie roll her eyes.

The girls talked all night until they fell asleep. They had deep talks about their love lives, what they want in life, and then stupid conversations that made no sense and ended in laughing fits. It was a good day for Josie, and she was extremely content with her life at the moment.


another short chapter bc quarantine is kicking my ass with laziness and I'm moving and have been packing like crazy....

also if anyone watches CAOS read my nick fic I just published last night 🤩

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