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Steven and Josie hadn't told anyone they were officially dating yet, cause they were still weirded out by it. It's been a week since, and they haven't been alone since. They haven't even talked about what had almost happened, both too nervous to bring it up. That was until Jackie asked.

The girls were at Donnas, having a sleepover. "So Jo, what's up with you and Hyde?" Jackie smirked. "What do you mean?" "Well has he asked you out yet?" Asked Donna, and Josie smiled. "Oh my god he did! Why didn't you tell us!?"

"We haven't said anything cause you've all voiced how it's weird and gross, so we were gonna wait until it stopped" Josie shrugged. "Oh my god! How did it happen? I wanna know everything!" Said Jackie.

"It was really nice, actually" Josie began, and Jackie had a look of surprise on her face. "We went for a drive, and sat at a park in the car for a little while just listening to music" "did you do it in the car?" "What? No. We just watched the stars and then he asked me when my favourite song came on the radio" she smiled, and so did Donna. "Wow, I never would have thought Hyde to be a romantic" she said.

"Yeah, me too" Jackie agreed. "He's actually such a gentleman" Josie smiled. "Look at her! She's smitten" Jackie smiled. "Have you guys done it yet?" She asked, making both Donna and Josie roll their eyes. "What? I'm just curious" Jackie shrugged. "Not yet, but we sort of came close to it the other day?" She told them. "Came close? What happened?"

"My parents came home. They were drunk, but we didn't want to risk anything" she said. Thinking about that night made her want him, it made her stomach feel funny. "Is he a good kisser?" "Very."

"How about Eric? What's new with you two?"

"Nothing really, I think he's scared to try new stuff in bed even though I keep telling him" she said, and Josie made a disgusted face, but let her keep talking anyway.

Jackie started blabbing about her first time with Michael, and Josie tuned out and started thinking about Hyde. It was so odd to her. They grew up best friends, never thought anything else of each other until recently, and oh how things have changed. Fast. "I'm going to the bathroom" Josie said as she got up, going to the hall.

She quietly crept downstairs, and called her house. She wasn't really sure what she was doing, but she prayed that Steven would answer. "Hello" he said into the speaker, and Josie smiled. "Hey" she said softly, making him smile when he realized who it was. "What's up?" He asked, and Josie was lost for words.

"Um, actually I don't know, I just felt like talking to you I guess" she shrugged. "Cute. Where are you? Are you at Donnas still?" "Yeah, for the night" she told him. "That's too bad, your parents are gone again" he smirked, and Josie rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha, very smooth" she said. "Well, if you get bored over at Donnas, you know where to find me" he told her. "Until then, goodnight Jo" "Goodnight Steven" she smiled as she hung up, going back to Donnas room.

She couldn't stop herself from thinking about Steven all night, no matter how hard she tried. It was nearly midnight and she couldn't sleep, and she wanted Steven, so she went home. She left a note beside Donnas bed saying she was feeling sick, and she quietly went home, entering through the basement to avoid her parents.

She was met with Steven, who was watching tv on the couch. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I wasn't feeling the whole sleepover thing" she shrugged, and Steven patted the spot next to him for her to sit. She went and sat, and he pulled her close, holding her tight. They watched a cartoon in silence, both falling asleep on the couch together.


short lil chapter for u all :) quarantine is truly a blessing it's got me writing a lot and it's nice, i missed it a lot

ALSO if u like gossip girl i just started a Nate story so go check it out!! love u all, hope ur all staying safe <3

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