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At school the next day, Josie and Steven acted too normal for the group to comprehend. They kept talking about how weird it was, and how gross it was, and Kelso kept saying Josie should choose him instead because he has more experience. "Yeah,
more experience with herpes" Hyde said, and everyone laughed, except Jackie, who was with her cheerleader friends.

"It wasn't herpes, it was chlamydia" Michael said as if it was Hyde who was the fool in the situation, which made everyone laugh even more. "I mean if you guys think it's that disgusting we can leave" Josie shrugged and looked at Hyde. "Please!" Said Eric. "Okay, but can I borrow your car keys? I left my sweater in there this morning" Josie asked, and Eric tossed them over. "Okay Steven, ready?" She asked while standing up, and he got up with her. "Wait, WAIT" Eric said as they started walking away.

"Hey Eric, think they're gonna do it in your car?" Kelso laughed, and so did the others.

Josie and Hyde went to the bleachers instead, and sat underneath. "Do you think it's weird?" Josie asked him. "Do I think what's weird?" "Us together? I know we aren't together together, but do you think so?" She asked. "No. Do you?" "No."

"I think as long as we both want it, other peoples opinions shouldn't matter" Hyde said, and Josie smiled. She leaned closer to him, and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and turned to kiss her. "I like doing that" he smiled, and Josie blushed. "Me too."


After school, Eric went over to Donnas, and the gang went to the hub. Josie and Steven went home, and had the house to themselves, and took advantage of it by hanging out in her room. They listened to the Eagles and played cards for a little while, and smoked a joint.

"Wanna go for a drive?" Josie asked, and Steven nodded. They drove around town, and parked at an empty park, and looked at the stars. The Rain Song came on the radio, and Josie turned it up. "This is my favourite song" she said, and Steven smiled. "Mine too. But don't tell anyone that" he said, and Josie chuckled. "Your secrets safe with me."

Josie rested her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her and played with her hair. "I really like being with you Jo" Steven said, making her smile up at him, and kiss him. "Josie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes" she smiled, and so did he. They kissed again, and then went home. Steven walked her to her room, and gave her a kiss goodnight, then turned to walk away. "Steven?" Josie asked, making him turn around. "My parents are out tonight, and I'm pretty sure Eric's still at Donnas, soo, wanna come in?"

"Yeah" he smiled softly and walked back to her room, following her inside. Josie shut the door, and told him not to look while she changed into her PJs. She put on an old baggy shirt, and then crawled into bed. Hyde put on some music, and got into bed with her.

They cuddled, and kissed more, Steven lightly trailed his hand up her leg and shirt, wrapping his arm around her back, pulling her closer. Josie wrapped her leg around him, and played with his hair. They started getting more into it, and he slowly moved his hand down her back, and onto her ass. Josie flipped so she was straddling him, and she ran her hand up his torso, while lightly grinding on him.

They stayed like that for a few moments, before Steven turned them over. He hovered over Josie and kissed her neck, while slowly lifting her shirt up. He trailed kisses down her neck, and lightly sucked on her nipple, before continuing down her stomach. He stopped at her underwear, and instead, started kissing up her thigh. Just as he was about to pull down her underwear, they heard Red and Kitty coming upstairs.

They stopped, and Steven got up. "I should probably go to my room" he said. "Uh, yeah, probably a good idea" Josie agreed. "Goodnight Josie, I hope we can do this again soon" Steven said, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight Steven" she whispered before he left.

She laid in bed, shocked and excited at what had just happened. Her body was aching for his touch, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. Steven laid in bed, not able to wrap his head around what just happened. He was mesmerized, and he wanted more.

Neither of them could stop thinking about the other, and they both fell asleep thinking about what could have been.

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