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"Yeah, plus, isn't The Goodbye Girl like, a girl movie?" Kelso asked. The gang was sitting in the basement, with nothing to do but pester about movies. "You moron. A girl movie is a make out movie" Steven told Kelso. "Well then I'm in" he said to Jackie.

"Me too, I will come and watch" Fez said, and Josie and Steven looked at each other, chuckling. "Okay, T-minus one hour till the garage sale" Kitty announced as her and Red walked into the basement. "Oh, I feel like an astronaut" she laughed.

"Oh Red! Remember how bad Eric wanted these rollerskates? Oh, Josie's yo-yo, ohhh, the plastic vomit" Kitty exclaimed as she looked through a box of old things. "I fell for that!" she said before wandering off.

"Yeah, you two wasted a lot of my money. Especially you" Red said to Eric. "Me and my damn childhood" said Eric. "Also, Laurie went to college, and Josie went to France. I stayed put and didn't waste thousands of dollars" he laughed.

"Shut it, Opie. All I had to do was purchase a plane ticket - with my savings, may I add. The rest was done through school fundraising. So suck it, dingus" Josie said, flipping her brother off. "Burn!" Kelso yelled, and Josie, along with everyone else, rolled her eyes.

"You know Mrs. Forman, I feel real bad. I mean you let me stay here and everything, I wish I had something to contribute to your garage sale" Steven said. "Oh, Steven, your loving smile is contribution enough" Kitty patted his shoulder. Eric rolled his eyes, but Josie smiled softly. She knew he didn't come from a lot, and Eric did too, but she was more sensitive to those sorts of things.

"No it's not!" said Red as he plopped a box into Hyde's lap. "Run that upstairs!" he told him. Steven stared at the box for a moment, before tossing is to Michael. "You heard him Kelso, move it!"

Kelso has brought the box up to the garage, and Josie stole his spot, mumbling something to Donna. "It's times like these where I wish I were Jackie" she said, and Donna rolled her eyes. "Quit being dramatic" she chuckled.

Josie picked up a cosmo and flipped through it, perking up upon hearing the word 'brownies'. "I could make brownies, because people love brownies" Hyde said, standing up. Josie had instantly caught onto what was going on, and smiled mischievously. "No they don't" said Eric. "Oh, they love my brownies" Steven smiled.

"Agreed, I like his brownies" Josie said from the couch, and Steven nodded.

After that, Josie and Steven had gone upstairs to start the brownies. She let him do all the work, she just sat at the counter reading. "Oh Steven, you're such a joy to have around! I can't believe your mother abandoned you!" said Kitty, instantly regretting it.

"I mean, went on such a long trip" she said before leaving the room. Josie shook her head and went back to reading. "Boy, I sure do like brownies" Michael smirked. "Hey! You know what's got two thumbs and really likes brownies? This guy!" Kelso pointed to himself.

"You know what's got two thumbs and is missing a brain?" Josie asked, and Kelso - being himself, pointed to himself and said "this guy". Josie and Steven laughed, and Eric walked in.

"Hyde! Oh come on! I'm asking you not to make these brownies, I mean my mom and dad are — Way too fat!" Eric exclaimed as Kitty walked back into the room. "Nice cover" said Steven. "You know what Eric, you just leave him alone. This is Steven's contribution to our garage sale. And, I happen to know that you put the special ingredient in these brownies" Kitty said.

All four teens stared at her. "Special ingredient?" asked Steven, as Eric blurted he told him not to. "Yes! Love!"

They all started laughing. "There's a whole big bag of love in there!" said Steven as he mixed some more batter. "Mom!" Laurie yelled as she walked inside. "Crazy Helen from across the street is switching price tags and dad said he's gonna kick her in the keister." "Oh no, he'll do it too" Kitty ran.

Laurie then proceeded to taunt Kelso. "Hyde! You can't make special brownies in my parents kitchen!" Eric said. "Why not? Josie said I could" Steven defended, and Eric whipped around to his sister. "What? I want some" she shrugged. "Look Forman, relax man. Yeah I'm making special brownies but I'm also making regular brownies for the 'straight-folks' or, 'losers'."

"Yeah, someday I'm gonna own a restaurant and everything's gonna be special. And then when people ask me 'Hey Kelso, what's the special?' I'm gonna say 'Everything'" Michael said, and Josie snorted as she went to her room. She had made it about halfway up the stairs before Steven called her.

"Josie!" he said. "Yeah?" she asked, turning around. "Wanna go see The Goodbye Girl later?" he smirked, and she rolled her eyes. "If you wanna make out with me that bad, you're gonna have to plan a better date" she chuckled before walking back to her room.

In her room, she wondered if Steven was being serious or not about the movie. He did say that chick movies were for making out. But then again, Steven's a shit head and likes to fuck with people.


Josie had popped down to the garage sale to get one of Hyde's brownies, and he ended up making her sit with him. "Steven, I don't wanna sit here" she whined. "Then no brownies for you!" he said sternly. "Why do you hate me?" she asked dramatically.

"Shut up" he laughed. "Trust me, if I hated you, you'd be a Jackie to me" he told her. "And what's Jackie to you?" Josie asked. "Nothing" he laughed, and Josie shook her head at him. "I'm going back to my room" she said while standing up.

Steven had his hand on her thigh, and he didn't move it until she was fully standing. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" she sang as she walked back into the house with a brownie in hand. Steven shook his head and watched her walk. He stared at her ass for a moment, admiring its perkiness. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small. It seemed to be a nice handful and a bit. Just how he liked.

Later on, Steven had gone up to Josie's room to tell her Red sold Eric's car because he was on drugs. "Oh Jesus" she sighed. "Why do I belong to a family of idiots?"

"Yeah. Eric yelled at me a bit, then I got bored and came here cause I knew you'd laugh" he said, chuckling. Steven laid down beside her, staring at the ceiling.

"Did you get the car back?" she asked. "Yeah, it was pretty funny" he chuckled. "We should get Red high all the time, he's a delight." "Yeah, I bet."

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed right away" Josie said. "Okay" Steven said. She got up to go brush her teeth, and he followed, doing the same. Then he followed her back to her room. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Oh, was that not an invitation?"

"Dear god" she mumbled. "I don't care if you sleep in here, I just don't wanna get in shit" she said. "I'll be in Eric's room by early morning then" he smiled. "Fine. Turn around so I can change" she said, and he did as she asked.

He had thought about turning around to watch, but he respected her more than that, so he didn't. Which surprised himself. "Wow, you didn't turn to peek. I'm honestly shocked, are you alright?" she asked. "How do you know I didn't peek?" he asked. "Cause I was facing you the entire time" she told him. In that moment, he slightly regretted not peeking.

The two had laid down on her queen sized bed, and Steven pulled her close and spooned her. She didn't say anything, but she rested her hand on his - which as on her stomach. "Goodnight, Jo" he whispered. "Goodnight" she said back.

The two laid there quietly, enjoying the warmth of the other. Neither of them had really cuddled while falling asleep, it was so nice that they both fell asleep almost instantly.


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