two [edited]

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The first week back in Point Place went by much faster than expected, and a lot better too. Reconnecting with her childhood friends was better than Josie ever could have imagined, they were all very much the same people— but way cooler now. And by way cooler, it just meant they now could drive, smoke pot, and drink beer.

Friday night had arrived, and Josie was finishing up her homework before she had plans to hangout with everyone. Eric had driven her home from school, while he and everyone else— except Jackie— pestered her about doing her work right away instead of hanging out first, like they wanted her to.

"I think it's smart, what she's doing" Jackie surprisingly told the group, Josie lightly raising her eyebrows in shock as she looked at Donna, who gave her the same expression. Jackie was new to the group, and she was everyone's least favourite.. even Kelso's. It made Josie more comfortable with the girls hatred towards her, knowing it was really her who was the hated one.

"See?" Josie waved her hand in the air to help prove her point. "It's not like I'm gonna be doing it all night, it's just a few questions" she shrugged, looking to Hyde who sat next to her, squished in between Josie and Fez. "I've got better things you could be doing all night" he told her, earning himself a punch in the bicep.

"Okay, that was well deserved but that wasn't what I meant" he told her, a slight smirk on his face. He watched as Josie rolled her eyes and looked out the window, a small smirk now on her face too. She was always the pretty girl of their school, Steven remembered.

Gorgeous beyond words, and the sweetest person you could ever meet. Remembering when Josie and Donna were no longer friends, watching Josie leave them all behind to hangout with the more popular kids, it hurt his feelings a lot more than he'd ever admit.

"Miss me?" He teased, nudging her arm. Turning her head towards him with a smirk still on her face, it turned to more of a genuine smile as she spoke, "More than you'd think."


Later on that night, the gang was all piled up in Eric's car, driving around in hopes of finding something to do. "Guys can we do something besides cruise? It's the third time tonight we've driven by that house" Hyde complained. Josie nodded in agreement, she left the comfort of home... for this?

"You know what we could do? We could go skinny dipping" Kelso smiled wide. "Naked! That's the way God intended" he exclaimed, looking around for any sign of a 'yes'. Everyone looked unimpressed, but they all thought about it, even if for only a second. "No way!" said Jackie.

"Why not? It'd be fun!"

"Well sure, it's fun for you guys cause you get to look at us—" Donna motioned between the three girls. "—And that's a treat. But we just get to look at you and that's nasty" she finished. "Agreed, I don't want to relive bathing with Eric. We aren't babies anymore, it's no longer cute" Josie said.

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