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It was Saturday morning, and Josie had just stepped out of the shower. She got dressed into jeans and a white Aerosmith tee, then ran downstairs for breakfast.

"Is that bacon? Oh god I haven't had bacon in months" she said right as she walked into the kitchen. She walked over and took a seat at the small table, and started eating bacon off the plate.

Kitty had come to the table with a plate full of waffles, and Hyde smiled. "Wow, thanks Kitty. My mom always said having a waffle iron was a luxury, you know like pillow cases or not getting hit" he chuckled, and Josie said nothing but raised an eyebrow at him. "Man, this is so cool!" he smiled.

"See Eric, I told you I was cool!" "Eric, did you tell your mother that she's not cool?" Red asked. "What? Well, I mean-"

"Stop telling your mother that she's not cool!"

"Fine. Mom, you're super fly" said Eric, Josie and Steven smirking. "Steven, did you want blueberry syrup or maple syrup?" Kitty asked. "You have syrup? Man, I love it here" Steven exclaimed.

"And we love having you here, man. You're like, the brother I never had. I mean I have a sister, but I hate her" Eric said, and Josie stared at him blankly. "No! Not you, the other sister. I just- oh, forget it" he said, getting up and leaving.

"Eric!" Red stopped him. "Rake the yard."

"Rake? But dad, I was gonna-"

"I'll do it" Steven interrupted Eric. "Okay, Steven" said Red. "Oh my god, I love my new brother!" Eric yelled. Josie rolled her eyes and Kitty smiled at Steven.

Josie had spent most of her morning in her room reading, then decided to clean. She looked through her record for her copy of Led Zeppelin IV, but couldn't find it, so she ran to the basement in hopes to find it.

There, she found Steven doing homework. "What are you doing?" she asked him. "Homework" he said, and she laughed. "Good one. Seriously, what are you doing?"

"I'm seriously doing my homework. Your mom found out I failed a test and then I promised I'd try harder" he said, shivering. "Well, have fun! Also, have you seen my copy of Led Zeppelin the fourth?" she asked. "Yeah, I borrowed it remember? It should be around here somewhere" he said, and she nodded before browsing around.

"Hey, Josie?" Steven said after a couple minutes. "Sup?"

"Thank you" he told her. "What for?" she asked. "Everything. Eric told me you were the one who bugged Red into coming by my house, so thanks" he said, and she smiled softly. "Of course."


Kitty had called all the kids for dinner, so Hyde, Eric and Josie had ran upstairs, only to be greeting by Laurie. "Okay, here we all are. So, honey, how'd you do on your history paper?"

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