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Ever since Jackie's party, Josie had been avoiding Hyde. She couldn't like him, he was Hyde. He was everything she didn't want in a boyfriend- rude, and also her best friend. But, he was already her best friend, she wouldn't have to get to know anyone else.

She laid in bed thinking about it, and how she shouldn't feel that way towards him, that she can't. But the thought of it also made her excited.

"You're avoiding me" Steven said, barging into her room, pointing his finger at her. "I don't like it. I know I messed up and hurt you by what I did, but I don't want things to change."

Josie sighed, "I'm sorry, I just.. needed time I guess" she shrugged. Steven went and laid beside her, and they didn't say anything. "Want to go get a burger?" He asked. "Honestly, I want to go vegetarian, but I'll get fries" she said, and he smiled. "Can I drive?" "Fine" she said, "but if you crash, I own you" she pointed at him, and he saluted in approval.

Josie was slightly annoyed with herself. Was the longest she could go without him really only four days? It felt like forever for both of them.

Steven sat across from Josie, trying as hard as he could to not stare at her. She was wearing a green long sleeve top, and it complimented her very well. Her hair was in a bun, and she had tiny hoops in her ears. She was wearing a necklace from Jackie, shaped like the sun. She munched on her fries, watching kids play pinball.

"We should go see a movie or something this week" he said. "What movie?" She asked, and he scrunched up his nose. "I don't know, any movie. But even if it sucks, its something to laugh at" he shrugged. "Fair enough. Lets do it. I'm free Thursday" she said. "Cool, it's a date" he said, smiling and sticking his tongue out. Josie rolled her eyes and looked away, hoping she wasn't blushing.

Steven also looked away, hoping she caught on that it was an actual date and he was just trying to play it cool by making it not seem like a date. They were silent for a minute or two before Kelso waltzed in and found them.

"Hey guys! Where's the gang?" He asked, receiving a shrug from the two. "Alright, well, I say we get everyone together, get some beers, and head to the water tower. What do ya say?" He asked. "It's Tuesday" said Josie. "And?"

So the water tower they went. They couldn't find anyone else, so it was just the three of them. They spray painted a bit, Josies artistic abilities shining bright as day. Kelso attempted to copy her, but got frustrated with his turning out like a kindergarteners and ended up blacking it out. Steven watched with admiration, wondering if there was anything the girl was bad at. His guess, was probably not.

"All done!" Exclaimed Josie a little while later. Hyde and Kelso walked over to look at it, and were in awe. It was a picture of what looked like Donna smoking a joint, sunglasses on, and the smoke from the joint looking as psychedelic as she could get it to.


After a long walk home, Hyde and Josie arrived back at the Forman residence around 11pm. They snuck in through the basement, finding Eric and Donna. "What are you two doing? Shouldn't you be at home?" Josie asked Donna. "Uh, yeah probably" said Donna. "I'm just finishing up this movie" she added.

Josie sat down next to Donna, and Hyde squeezed himself beside Josie. They sat there, watching A Clockwork Orange in silence. Josie noticed that Eric and Donna were sitting very close to each other, and it made her happy. She inched a little closer to Hyde, but not too close so it was weird.

A few minutes after, Steven put his hand on her leg, and her heart started racing. They sat like that for the remainder of the movie, and Steven walked Josie upstairs, and Eric walked Donna outside. "So Thursday?" He asked. "Thursday" she said. They stood there silently, until Josie began to say goodnight.

"I'll see you at breakfast" she smiled. "Yeah, see you at breakfast" he said before going back downstairs. Eric was sitting on the couch, and Hyde sat next to him. "So, you and Josie huh?" Eric asked. "Wh-what?" "Don't try and hide it, I saw you with your hand on her leg." "Look man, if you think it's weird I'll stop" said Hyde.

"Yeah, I think it's weird" Eric said, "but I also see how different you are with her and, I think as long as you guys are happy, then it's whatever." "Yeah?" "Yeah."

And that was it. The two went to bed, Hyde slept on the basement couch, and thought about how Thursday would go until he fell asleep.


filler chapter bc ive been gone forever

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