three [ edited ]

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Eric, Josie, Hyde and Fez had all been hanging out in the basement rather peacefully, watching cartoons until Red came downstairs. "Eric! I thought I told you to wash up for dinner" his voice boomed, making almost all of them tense up.

"I know, it's difficult to hear with your head up your ass" he said to Eric, Josie chuckling at his words. She hadn't been around Red in a long time, but he hadn't changed a bit. "Get a move on!"

"Oh Red," Fez began, a small content smile placed on his face,  "You need to relax. Anger is bad for the soul". "It's Fez, right?"

"Yes." "Get out."

"Okay" Fez replied, the smile slightly faltering but still remained nonetheless as he left without another peep.  "Hey Red" Josie gave the man a small wave from her seat on the couch. "Josie, it's always a pleasure to see you, though I do wonder why you still surround yourself with these goons."

His voice turned soft as he spoke to her, making Eric's eyes widen with defeat. After all those years, Red still adored Josie far more than his own son.

"Can Hyde stay for dinner again?" Eric spoke up, plastering a sweet smile on his face. "Again? I can't afford to feed your friends" Red glared at the boy. "Yeah but, his mom left town and he doesn't know when she's coming back" he practically begged, Red stared at him harshly before agreeing, and going back upstairs.

"Let's go" Eric nodded his head towards the stairs while looking at Steven, who stood up with a sigh. "You good?" He asked Josie, who also stood up. "Yeah, call me if you guys wanna hang later" she told them as the three walked up the stairs. "Oh, Josie! I didn't know you were here" Kitty smiled at her. "Hi Mrs. Forman" Josie smiled back sweetly.

"Are you hungry? You should join us for dinner" she offered the girl. "Oh, actually mom, Hyde is—" Eric began to tell her that Hyde was staying, and that Josie couldn't, but he was cut off by Red. "Come on, Josie. Eric will set you a place at the table" he smiled at the girl, holding his hand in the direction of the dining room, waiting for her to join them.

Kitty had asked Josie all about France, it was the main discussion during dinner, actually, the only discussion. Red was busy glaring daggers into the side of Eric's head, and Hyde had avoided all eye contact.

"Your housing family sounds wonderful, I bet they were so sad to send you home" Kitty frowned. "They were, I really didn't want to leave. I still plan on keeping in touch with them, and seeing them when I get the chance to go back after graduation" Josie told her.

"You're not going to college?" Red spoke up, turning to look at the girl. "I'm hoping to go in France, or somewhere close to."

Red was impressed with the girl, as he always has been. When she was a kid, Red treated her like his daughter, always looking out for her and teaching her how to beat up the boys when they were acting up. She would even spend time with him in the garage as he worked on his car, she found him quite fascinating, unlike the others.

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