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Hyde woke up just before 11am, slightly disappointed in himself for missing school. Kitty really wanted him to try, and he didn't want to let her down. He went upstairs to get some water, and saw Josie fixing herself a bowl of cereal. "Hey" Steven said in a deep voice, making Josie jump.

"Jesus, Steven! What are you doing here?" She asked. "Me? What about you?"

Josie glared at him for a moment before giving up. "I faked sick, you?" "I pretended I left early" he snickered. "Nice. Dads out looking for jobs today, so we don't have to hide" she told him. "Hell yeah."

They ate breakfast in the living room while watching tv, and then Hyde got an idea. "Let's go out today" he said. "And do what?" Josie asked. "Anything. I mean, we're already going out later, so why not make a day out of it?" "Okay. I need to shower first though" she said as she got up from the couch.

"Cool, can I come?" Steven teased, getting a smack on the back of the head. Josie ran upstairs and got in the shower, feeling inspired to shave her legs and do a face mask afterwards. After washing her face, she moisturized, and walked to her room in just a towel. She heard Hyde get in the shower, and decided she had time to get ready and look cute.

She put on her favourite pair of yellow and blue plaid flared pants, and a white Neil Diamond shirt. She did her makeup, just a little bit. Mascara and some blush, and put on a necklace that her lover from France gave her. It was three Opals in an upside down rain drop shape, close together. She thought it was the prettiest thing.

She hated Mikael, but loved the necklace. Once she was ready, she went down to the kitchen and got herself a glass of chocolate milk while she waited. Steven came down shortly after, and away they went. "Can I drive?" Steven asked, and Josie tossed him the keys.

As they were driving, Hyde asked about France. "Why'd you come back? You could have stayed there, built a life for yourself" he said. "I could have, but I got my heart broken, and I really missed you guys. It wasn't the same. If I had friends like you guys there, I would have stayed."

"Lame. I mean I know you missed me the most, but everyone else? Don't include them just because you pity them" he laughed. "Seriously though, fuck that guy who hurt you. If he were here right now, I'd beat the shit out of him" said Steven, which made Josie smile. "I know."

They cruised around for a bit, and then stopped at the Hub for lunch, where they found the rest of the gang. "Hey! Why weren't you guys at school this morning?" Eric asked. "None of your business" said Hyde. "Josie!? Why'd you skip?" Eric asked again.

"Cause you don't have the balls to do it" she shrugged as she sat down, and everyone laughed and started talking about how Eric was a scaredy cat. When they all went back to school, Josie and Steven drove to a park and sat in the field smoking a joint. It was early in the afternoon, and they ended up spending a good chunk of their time there, but only because they fell asleep.

Steven woke up first, around 4, and he gently woke up Josie. He couldn't help but smile while looking at her curled up, hair in her face, and her eyebrows slightly scrunched. He carefully moved her hair, and shook her shoulder, causing her to groan. "Wake up Jo, we should go home so your parents think we were at school" he told her, and she nodded with her eyes closed, but still didn't move.

He tried a few more times, but got nothing. So he resorted to tickling her, which instantly got a reaction from her. She tried fighting him off, and they tussled for a few moments before he stopped. "Why the hell did you do that?" She asked, and he laughed. "I tried to wake you nicely but it wasn't working."

They headed home, making it back only ten minutes before Kitty, and Eric scolded them. "What would you all like for dinner?" Asked Kitty, who looked at Josie. "Actually Mrs. Forman, Josie and I were going to go out for dinner tonight" said Steven, coming to stand beside Josie. "Ohh, that's cute. You taking Eric with you?" She smiled, and then it quickly left. "Oh! It's a date! That's even cuter!" She giggled, and the two went pink in the face. Steven left and went downstairs, and Josie went to her room. She had no idea where they were going to eat, and she didn't know what to wear, so she called Jackie.

Jackie didn't answer, and neither did Donna, so she was stuck with making the choice herself. She was having a hard time matching a pair of bottoms with the shirt she wanted to wear, and was interrupted by a knock at her door. "Honey? Can I come in?" It was Kitty. "Yeah mom."

She walked in and shut the door, and smiled. "I figured maybe you needed help with what to wear" she smiled. "Actually, I do" Josie said, and Kitty smiled. "Is that the shirt you're wearing?" She asked, pointing to the black satin tie up blouse. "Yeah, I don't know what to wear it with though. Or should I wear a dress? I have no idea where we're going, so I don't want to over do it" Josie said.

"Well how about this?" Kitty asked, holding up a black skirt. "Too plain" Josie shrugged. "There's this one" Kitty said, holding up another flowy black skirt, but this one had little peach coloured flowers on it. "I like that one, I'll try it" she said, and Kitty excused herself so she could change. Josie loved the way it looked, and called her mom back in, who smiled wide. Kitty did Jo's hair in a half up style, but left it down low, and put a pretty clip instead of a tie.

Once they were all done, Kitty gave her a hug. "Thanks for helping me Ma" said Josie. "Oh of course sweetie. I had a lot of fun, Laurie never wanted my help getting ready" she said, and Josie rolled her eyes. "Yeah well Laurie sucks" she said, and Kitty laughed. They walked downstairs together, where Steven was waiting in the living room for her. He was dressed up nicely, but of course kept his sunglasses on. Kitty forced them to take a picture before leaving, which they let her, and then she left to the kitchen to cry.

Hyde opened both the house and car door for her, and drove them to the restaurant. They went to one of the nicer places in town, and got a booth seat in the corner. Hyde ordered a beer, and Josie asked for a glass of wine, and neither of them got asked for their id, which they high fived over after.

They talked more about France and what happened, and Steven talked about more things he could remember that she missed. And then they talked about their futures and what they wanted, which Hyde never put any thought into until now.

"I want to see the world" Josie said. "I don't care about picking a career yet. I want to travel while young and worry about it later. I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life, may as well figure it out in frickin Asia" she shrugged, and Steven couldn't agree more. "I'll go with you" he said, and she smiled.

After dinner, they drove around a little bit and listened to the radio. Josie nonchalantly moved closer to him, and he put his hand on her leg. Once they were back home, they sat in the car for a few minutes more. "Thank you for today, and for dinner. I had a lot of fun" Josie smiled. "Anytime Jo" he smiled. "I know I already told you this, but you look very nice tonight" he said, and Josie smiled. "And so do you" she said.

They were still sitting close, and his hand was still on her leg. They held eye contact with each other, both nervous and excited for the next move, and when they finally met for a kiss, they both felt as if they'd explode of happiness. They kissed for what felt like forever, but was really only five minutes before they were interrupted by Kelso. "What is going on!?" He yelled. "Kelso, shut up!" Hyde said. "Why are you kissing her?" He asked. "Because I want to, go away" he told him, and he did. He went downstairs, the other two following shortly after.

And as soon as they walked into the basement, everyone was there to make fun of them kissing.

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