Secret's Revealed, Secret's not yet Discovered, and Graduation Exam.

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A shake to my shoulder snapped me out of my memory, "I'm fine I was reminiscing on how we took out Danzo. He was a pain in the ass to be honest. But well some things in his plan just didn't seem to work out for him." "Naruto it's been a couple years now so what did you mean that blood clones are amazing and his eye wasn't Shisui's eye. I remember Itachi being accused of murdering him by some of the clan. You said I could know later so it's later tell me Rokudaime Hokage" Sasuke demanded upset. "Chill out Teme, Jiji can you summon Crow please" I asked not looking up. Finishing my plate of food I rested my head in the palm of my hand. "Of course Naru. Crow should be here any minute now" Jiji said as a body flickered into sight behind him. Kneeling he bowed "Yes Lord Hokages" a male said shocking Sasuke. "Shisui" he whispered gaining the attention of crow. "Shi what did I tell you about calling me Hokage everyone else doesn't listen but you doing it seriously?" "Fine mini Minato what are you up to? And hey there Sasuke how's it been?" he asked fidgeting and pulling his mask off.

"Don't look at me he's a stubborn person who doesn't ever seem to forget anything that's said. You came up again after we discussed what happened to Danzo" I said waving slightly. "Well then Sasuke how does it feel to know I'm still alive" Shisui asked smirking. "What about Itachi then? Why is he still gone and labeled a missing nin" Sasuke asked. "Calm down Sasuke we'll explain everything. Well I'll explain all that I can anyway" Shisui said. "I want to know everything!" "Sit down and knock it off Sasuke" I said standing using my Hokage voice. "Hai Roku-Sama but I don't understand" Sasuke said sitting down. "He can only explain what he knows, let go of your Uchiha pride a moment and listen to what he says" I demanded waving at Shisui to continue. "Thanks Naru, so Danzo was placed under an illusion made by me with a blood clone in my spot with artificial eyes implanted already. Itachi already had the eyes for this to happen. How Itachi knew I can't say" Shisui said as everyone turned to look at me. Rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly I stared at the ceiling. "Naruto" Sakura said cracking her knuckles, swinging at me. I caught her hand inches from my head "Don't hit me. I did what I believed I had to as Hokage. Did I know at the time I would be able to transport all of us back in time with the help of Kurama and his siblings then I might not have taken the risk. I sent Itachi and possibly Kakashi back to the week before the massacre, they saved Shisui and well Shisui I think it is time you take Sasuke home." "Naruto, if they came back why did the massacre still happen and why is Itachi still gone" Sasuke demanded. "Enough Sasuke! Your brother is doing his job to make sure things still stay on target. I didn't want the timeline to completely screw up or I would have sent Kakashi back to the Kannabi bridge if I thought it would have done any good. But no then some other Uchiha would have been selected and used. I couldn't let that happen as Hokage of the Leaf village. He is not gone for good Sasuke and you know it, as soon as he comes to take me after the Chunnin exams he will be brought home for good. Shisui even knows this." "Sorry Naruto. I'm not thinking this through. Why though do I need to go with Shisui?"

Sighing I rested my head on my left hand looking at Shikamaru "Because I said so Teme and you were once my subbordnant as I was Hokage. Go with him, I told you there was a surprise well go to it and don't say I didn't warn you. However you must never speak about what you will go see if you are afraid that you may be heard by someone outside of our group here. I will erase your memory for the moment if need be" I said sighing. "What aren't you saying Roku-Sama" Hinata asked. "Nothing it's troublesome. Now if that is everything Jiji. My people are dismissed. I will see most of you at school tomorrow good night" I said getting up and heading to our room.

Changing I got dressed in Shikamaru's shirt and a pair of shorts before climbing into bed. Facing the window I sighed 'What if he went back further than he was supposed to. What if he didn't make it Kurama?' 'Kit calm down, he made it back. I can't tell you how I know but I do. You'll find out soon enough kit. Now get some rest your exhausted' Kurama replied going quiet. "You okay Hime" Shika asked holding me closely to him. "I am now. Just not sure where Kakashi ended up and why the hell he hasn't come to see me yet." Snuggling into Shika he pulled me as close to him as possible, kissing my temple I smiled up at him. "He will see you soon love, tomorrow we have the exam. Then we have the party for all of us keeping to the timeline so far and then we get our teams again and voila Kakashi Sensei will be there. The look on his face when he finds out were together as opposed to Jiraiya I think it will be better. Good night Hime I love you." Laughing lightly I turned and kissed his cheek "Good night and I love you too Shika. And it will be completely worth it."

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