Girl talk, Caged Bird Seal, unknown ANBU's

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Walking through the village was serene in a way, everyone together laughing and having their own conversations. It was a little reminiscent but not really, many people were missing from our group still. Six ANBU joined us with me only recognizing 4 of them, Jiji was escorting a woman whom I had heard stories about. Biwako Sarutobi smiled a warm kind smile in my direction, "Jiji we have to talk" I said as the group I brought back with me stopped talking to pay attention. 'Kit calm down, nothing bad is going to happen. It can all be explained just be patient' Kurama said growling in my head. 'I am calm Kura, I don't like being lied to and secrets kept from me right now. It's not a good time, hell I have plans I have to go do soon' I replied. "Naruto, I know that this is not something you expected. But on the day of your birth Biwako was able to survive, Tsunade was here as a precaution. She was able to save Biwako my dear, I am still very sorry about your parents though" Jiji said standing beside me. "That's fine Jiji, I'm glad Tsunade was able to save her this time. I figure she had to be here to check on me anyways or mom had she lived. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I am very happy I have a grandmother figure alive in this timeline. No what I want to talk about can wait til we get within the compound walls" I said as we passed the other compounds, coming up to my parents hidden compound and the Nara compound. My parent's hidden compound was beside the Nara's they shared the woods that housed the deer and my parent's training area's. My parents compound was at the end of the compounds but no one ever says anything about it.

The Uchiha compound had been cleaned up and sealed so it looked like no one was in there while the living clan including Sasuke's mother and Shisui were actually still living there and Sasuke was in the process of moving back into the compound. He would be closer to the rest of us, we took an empty compound and turned it into a home for ninja's who were tired of their parents nagging them or they wanted to be able to come and go freely without thinking their parents would be targets since they weren't living at home. We also moved in the orphaned ninja's with no other living family like Rock Lee and made the compound available to small ninja families like Tenten and her father. The only non ninja's we moved into the compound was Teuchi and Ayame. Entering the Nara compound Takeshi nudged his way through the group and joined me and Shika. Resting my hand on his head between his smaller antlers, he walked with us to the house. "Takeshi, I'm fine. Were safe I promise, you need to go back to Hikari or she is not going to be a happy mom. We have the next two days off, I will be out to feed you guys here in just a little bit and we can lay in the sun this weekend if you want to" I said nuzzling the side of his face. "Okay I'll meet you out back Naru" Takeshi said rubbing up against Shikamaru before taking off towards the woods.

"Naruto, you belong here always. It's okay to have the memories and flashbacks but don't let them hold you back. Don't dwell on things that haven't happened yet or might not happen in this time. I don't regret not letting you give me my old memories back I like the ones I have now, with you and Shikamaru both. He interacts with everyone more and your to thank for that but it doesn't always have to be on your shoulders, plus your my musume now there's no going back from that. It would be too troublesome if you ever wanted that" Shikaku said kissing the top of my head much like my father did the last time I saw him. "Thanks tousan and you can't fool me, you got caught in one of my memory retrievals by accident. But I don't think anything bad of you not wanting those memories back" I said hugging him. Looking lazily up at the sky he muttered troublesome as Shikamaru laughed. "What gave me away?" "The look of remorse to Shikamaru and me. The look that you think it's all fake, I had that look a lot too when I first came back. I didn't think I was ever going to see you guys again. I didn't even say goodbye to some people, Neji on the other hand I cheated death with him. You also spoke about a mission report you shouldn't have any knowledge of" I said lowly to clarify his confusion on how Neji had survived. "Yeah only the impossible happens around Hime tousan. It's troublesome but I wouldn't change it" Shika said squeezing my hand.

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