Talking to the Henged ANBU, Itachi joins in.

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First I would like to say thank you so much to everyone who reads this and is enjoying it. I have over 5k readers. That is amazing and I know the updates are spread out but I promise they will still happen, I am writing everything as I get it posted. Yes the two ANBU seem obvious as to who they are but just wait. The Hokage has more than two ANBU with him she only doesn't know who two of them are by scent. Again thank you for reading and sticking with me as I am writing and trying to update. I hope you enjoy.

Kissing the side of my head Shika watched Sakura out of the corner of his eye. With glowing green hands she scanned over my body slowly before stopping on my head, "All the memories at once made your head hurt didn't it" she said more than asked tsking. "You know that it does but at least it isn't like when Naruto tried to do her waterfall training before" Sai said smirking as he dematerialized into ink when Ino hit him. "That is so gross. How many times have I told you to stop with the ink clones" Ino said before doing a small water jutsu and cleaning her hands. Laughing I was held still by Shika keeping a firm hold of me so Sakura didn't get mad that I moved. "He has a point. Kakashi was so mad and worried that you wouldn't take a break when he left with team 10 to find Hidan and his partner. But you stubborn as always kept at it and then perfected that ridiculous wind rasengan that you can't use out of Sage mode" Sakura said as the pain in my head lessened and she looked at me for approval. Nodding at Sakura, she stopped and sat by Sasuke who was currently playing shogi against Neji on the other side of me.

"Your talking about the rasenshuriken and yes she isn't allowed to use it out of sage mode it's too dangerous" Tsunade said walking up behind me. "Rasen what" Jiraiya asked joining our conversation, the two ANBU stood within hearing distance. "It's a wind rasengan. When I applied wind to the rasengan it made the move look like a spinning shuriken. See" I said holding my hand out and creating a tiny version of the rasenshuriken and letting the new people get a good look at it before it evaporated in my palm. "If I use that with my bare hand the wind is so powerful that it tears up the muscles from my fingertips all the way up. Kakashi's sharingan couldn't even count how many blows it deals to the opponent. In sage mode I can throw it" I said shrugging and laying my head on Shikamaru's shoulder again. Jiraiya whistled low, "You sure are something gaki. You definitely surpassed them both" he said smiling at me with his hand on my shoulder a smile on his face. "Thanks Ero-sennin" I replied smiling brightly back at him.

The two ANBU agents in henges laughed the female agent walking towards the house and Jiraiya blushed a bright red embarrassed before shaking it off at the smile on Tsunade's face. "Hey has everyone that isn't in our little secret society in the village left" I asked Shikaku who just smiled and laughed looking around the compound. "I think everyone has left Naru, you guys may do your thing but put up the seals first dear" Yoshino yelled from the back door of the house, smiling back at her I saw Mikoto and the henged female ANBU on either side behind Yoshino peeking over her shoulders. Kissing Shika on the cheek I got up and walked over to the tree in the middle of the backyard, reaching down and running my hand on the base of the trunk I felt the seals activate. Sighing I sat down and began meditating, letting the nature energy surround me and fill me even as Takeshi laid down beside me his head resting in my lap.

"If you sit there and continuously pull in nature energy, will it make you transform into a frog statue. Jiraiya has said something about it, but it didn't make a lot of sense when he talks about it though. He just calls on the elder frogs, " the male ANBU asked as I saw his chakra signature stop and sit down beside me while I had my eyes closed. "Actually, that doesn't surprise me at all. Why he was discussing nature energy and sage mode beats me, but he gloats a lot. Anyway's no, I know how to channel the nature energy through my body and disperse it evenly so that I have no deformities and I can't use the merging with the elder frogs. My furry companion doesn't take to kindly to other chakras trying to merge with mine. The two of us are already merging our chakra together. Hes a bit jealous thinking I need them to gather nature energy for me. The only thing I have are the frog eyes that everyone who goes into sage mode ends up with. It is a symbol that shows we have the sage mode from the frogs. If I didn't know how to channel the energy on my own then it would have turned me into a statue right here. I went through the training with pa the elder frog though" I said not opening my eyes.

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