Crash Into Me

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Chapter 1

"Wake up! Wake up!" My best friend, Aubrey, shouts in my ear. "The plane is about to land, are you ready for some hot summer nights?"

"Do you know how annoying it is being woken up by someone shouting in your ear?" I say jokingly.

"Oh I'm sorry Peyton, I didn't know you would be such a sour puss." I just shove her shoulder in response and laugh.

Soon we hear one of the female flight attendants say over the intercom: "Welcome to Cabo San Lucas, I hope you enjoyed your Delta Airline flight. Don't forget to grab all of your belongings and enjoy your stay."

We have been waiting for this day ever since the first week of senior year, when both our parents agreed that we could travel to Cabo for a month this summer. Now the day has finally arrived. I couldn't be happier. I was so excited to see what Cabo has to offer. Aubrey and I both reach for our bags from the cabinets above; I'm setting my bag down when all of a sudden I hear a loud "Ow." I turn around and see a dark, tall, masculine boy around my age massaging his forehead. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I screech. "Are you okay, oh no it's already starting to turn red." The boy just rubs his head.

Finally he says with a husky voice. "Don't worry about it; it's just a little bump. I'll live. But you might want to keep walking, your kind of holding up the line" He motions his hand showing all of the annoyed faces from the back of the plane.

"Sorry." I say my face turning slightly red from embarrassment. I turn around and walk off the plane and notice that Aubrey is waiting for me outside the gate.

"What took you so long? I thought you were going to be trapped on the plane with a hundred snakes or something like that one movie." Aubrey says a little concerned. 

I laughed. "No, I accidentally hit a really attractive guy on the head with my bag."

"Wow Peyton, way to start this trip strong." Aubrey says sarcastically with a smirk. Aubrey is always being sarcastic; I think that's why we have been best friends for so long.

We begin walking side by side to the baggage claim. "So, what should we do first? Explore, shop, or go check in? Aubrey says excitedly. We reach the baggage claim and notice that the only bag left is Aubrey's.

I really wanted to go to the beach after we checked in. "Well I was going to say let's check in first, but now it looks like they lost my suitcase. So I guess we have to go find something for me to wear." I say in a really pissed off voice. This trip is not going so well and we haven't even left the airport yet. 

"Well hold on a second. Let's go talk to customer service and see if they can help." She says trying to comfort me.

I nod my head with acceptance. We reach the counter and there is a short, petite lady that has a smile plastered on her face which looks like she never stops smiling.

"Hi, how may I help you?"  She says in a high pitch voice. I notice that her name tag says Trish.

"Well Trish I can't find my suitcase, I think it got lost." Trying to be as polite I can be.

"May i have your name and number so if we find it I can send it to the place you are staying. Also how long are you staying in Cabo?" She asks still with a tight smile on her face.

"My name is Peyton Carlson." She starts typing on her computer. "My phone number is 885-777-0101 and we are staying for a month." I say giving her a smile back because it is really contagious.

"Okay great, thanks. Usually we find suitcases in a week, so if someone finds it I will make sure someone calls you to let you know." Trish says.

"Alright thanks Trish, for your help." We turn around and hear her say "You're Welcome." I can tell by her voice that she still has the same tight smile on her face. 

I turn to look at Aubrey with a slightly annoyed look on my face. "Seriously, a week. I have all of my belongings it that suitcase: my clothes, toiletries, everything!"

"Listen." Aubrey says while patting my arm to comfort me. " There are plenty of cute shops out there and hey, we might find you something actually cute to wear."

"HEY! My clothes aren't that bad." I look down noticing I'm wearing my favorite old pair of cut off shorts and a John Mayer tour t-shirt with flip flops.

"No, no of course not." But I can tell she is just saying that to be nice. 

* * * 

 Aubrey and I walk out of the cold airport walls and into the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Right when you reach the outside you just get a gush of sweet, ocean air. There is sand everywhere with people on bikes and little shops decorated with all sorts of vibrant colors. My parents never really took me places we mostly just stayed inside of Minnesota. So I never got to experience places like this.

 "Wow" I whisper in shock "Have you ever seen anything like it?"

 "No, only on T.V. and in magazines." Aubrey says sharing the same expression. "Come on lets go!" She says overly excited while grabbing my hand and we both run into the closest shop that we see.

 We have been shopping for about forty five minutes and been into three shops. I have bought two pairs of shorts, three summery shirts, a black bikini that will make my already tan figure even more tan, and a dress that Aubrey made me buy. It clings to me in every way and is very summery with a flowery pattern. I had to admit it was very pretty.

 We are walking out of a shop called Capella when all of a sudden I crash into a tight chest. I stumble backwards and I feel the really attractive boy from the airport grab my waist to balance me. My face turns bright red with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." The boy chuckles. "We have to stop meeting like this otherwise I might have to start wearing body armor."  I give him a small smile. "I'm Tony by the way."

 "I'm Peyton and this is my friend Aubrey." I motion towards Aubrey with a sweet smile.

 "Sweet, so let me guess you're not from around here." Tony says with his sweet smile.

 "No we are from Minnesota, what about you hot stuff." Aubrey says with a huge grin.

 "AUBREY!" I shriek while I can feel my face burning with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry about that." But all Tony does is laugh.

 "It's fine" He gives us a really cute grin. "I'm originally from here but right now I live in California right now. I am just visiting by family that still lives here." He says coolly. "Oh listen I have to get going but my cousins and I are having a party down by the beach later by the yellow shack. You girls should stop by, its going to be a lot of fun."

 I can tell Aubrey really wants to go and I know this trip is all about having fun but I was still surprised when I said "Yeah! That sounds like a lot of fun!"

 "Okay, great! Stop by at around 8. See you later girls." Tony waves and walks away. Aubrey and I both turn and look at each other with the biggest grins on our face and we both just start laughing out of excitement.

 This trip is getting better and better. Maybe I just have bad luck with airports.

Thanks gabijaluvs2rite and PinkyGurl for the great covers!! It means a lot! I hope you like my story so far. I'm a beginner so I am still trying to figure everything out! Please comment with suggestions or anything!! Thanks everybody!

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