I Never Liked Hospitals

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Chapter 6

Tony's P.O.V.

I have never in my life felt so helpless before. Seeing the paramedics take her away in an ambulance was the scariest thing . All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and never let her go. But all I could do was watch them take her away. All of a sudden I realized I had tears falling down my cheeks. What was I going to tell Aubrey or even her parents? It was all my fault. I should have been paying more attention.

"How could I do this to her." I screamed out in anger.

I rushed into my Jeep not caring that I left my Jet Ski on the shore, and sped off only focusing on the curvy road ahead. This was the third time that I had to go to the hospital this week. Twice for my sick grandma and now this time for Peyton. I guess you could say they only mean bad news to me.

Fifteen minutes later I reach the small hospital. I jump out of my Jeep and sprint into the hospital not caring if I ran into people. I kept hearing people say "Slow down" and "Watch it, kid." 

I finally see in the distance four male paramedics roll Peyton on a stretcher. She doesn't look like her beautiful self, instead she looks pale and all bruised and cut up. I run up to catch up to them.

"Is she going to be okay? Peyton, just hold on you are going to be okay." I say hysterical while holding onto the side of the stretcher.

One of taller paramedics turns to me. "Sorry Sir but you are going to have to wait in the waiting room. We will keep you posted."

I stop in the middle of the plain hallway and watch them push her into double door that says EMERGENCY ONLY DO NOT ENTER.

I turn and walk back to the lobby, pacing back and forth. Families are now staring at me with a crazy look in their eyes.

I take this time to let Aubrey know what happened to Peyton. Since I never found out what her phone number was I call the hotel to see if I can reach her room. 

I hear someone answer the phone, not waiting for them to speak I say in a hurried rush "Connect me to Peyton Carlson's room." 

"Yes sir." I hear the shy woman say back then hearing waiting music. 

"Hello, who is this?" I hear Aubrey say all calm.

"Aubrey, it's Tony. There's been an accident. Come down to the hospital." I say with tears rolling down my face. 

"No, no no Peyton. I'm on my way." She doesn't wait for me to say bye or anything.

Ten minutes later I see the doors rush open and Aubrey running in right after them. I have to reach out and grip her arms so she doesn't run me over. 

"What happened?" Aubrey says out of breath

"We were coming back to shore when all of a sudden a huge wave engulfed us and took Peyton with it. She hit her head on the Jet Ski and has bruises and cuts all over. Fuck, why couldn't it have been me?" I say with a pissed off voice. I crash to the tile floor and put my hands on my head. 

I never liked hospitals. 

Aubrey comes down and sits next to me and we begin playing the waiting game. Still everybody is looking at us like we are crazy. 

Out of the blue Aubrey turns to look at me with a small smile on her face. "You really like her, don't you?"

I began to think of the answer. Right when I met her in the airplane I knew we had a connection. The way her hair showed off her rosy cheeks that she got when ever she was embarrassed or if I said certain things. The sweet shy smile she always showed me, it was contagious. One look at her made me forget all the bad things and become happy and excited to be with her. She was beautiful.   I was scared to death to lose her. She had to be okay otherwise I don't know what  I'll do. 

The answer was so simple, just one word. I focus back on Aubrey. "Yes." I say with a sad smile.

Quickly after we see a male doctor with darker skin dressed in all white come walking towards us. Aubrey and I both jump to our feet.

"Hi, I'm doctor Sanchez. Are you relatives of Peyton?" He questions.

Aubrey is the first to speak up. "Yes, I am her sister." She says lying through her teeth. "Is she going to be okay?"

"She is stable right now." We both let out a huge sigh realizing we were both holding our breath. "But she does have a concussion and a few minor cuts and bruises. She will however stay here a couple nights just in case anything else comes up."

"That's great news." Aubrey says again because I am speechless.

"Yes, you can visit her now." Dr. Sanchez says with a small smile on his face.

We follow him to Peyton's room. We walk in and the whole room is plain with white walls with a bed  window and two chairs. Peyton is sleeping on the bed in the middle of the small room with all these medical things attached to her. 

Aubrey and I sit down in the chairs. Mine closest to her. I grab her delicate hand that is beginning to get its beautiful tan color back and I give it a slight squeeze. I see her eyes flutter open. 

"Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" I say in a quiet voice.

"Like I just got hit in the head by the Jet Ski." She says with a small smile.

I was about to tell her how sorry I was but Aubrey cut in before I had the chance. "Peyton, you scared  the living daylights out of me." 

"I'm sorry, hopefully this doesn't happen again." Peyton says in a husky voice.

Aubrey soon realizes that I want to talk to Peyton and she says "I'm starving. I'm going to go check out the hospital food. Do you want anything?"

"No, I am okay for now." I say back.

Aubrey walks out of the room and I turn back to Peyton. "I am so sorry Peyton,  I should have been more careful with you. Are you ever going to forgive me?" I say with a worried expression. 

"Tony it is not your fault, don't think for one second  that you caused this to happen." She says squeezing my hand back tighter to let me know that she was okay. 

"I will make it up to you. I promise." I give her my famous smile.

I looked at the clock and it said 8:55. That means only five more minutes for visiting hours. I found that out when I would visit my grandma. Now I had two very important people in my life staying at the hospital. I should go visit her before I leave. I look back at Peyton pushing back the tears that want to come out.

"Im sorry Peyton I wish I could stay here with you but I want to say good night to my grandma. Is that okay?" I whisper still sad. 

"Of course! Don't worry about me." She says giving me a smile.

"Thank you. I will make sure to stop by in the morning. Good night my pretty tourist." I lean over and giver a sweet kiss on her forehead. I step back and see that she is beginning to blush. Boy, was I falling for her hard.

"Goodnight, pool boy." She chuckles.

I leave Peyton with three more minutes of visiting hours. I take a sharp left and walk down four more doors when I reached my grandmas door. I walk in and see her small body that is all pale but she still looks beautiful to me, sleeping. I walked up to her and leaned down and kissed her on her forehead saying a prayer that she taught me when I was little. Soon after I hear someone at the door.

"Excuse me sir, but visiting hours are over." A skinny nurse says to me.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I turn around back to my grandma. "Goodnight grandma. I'll see you soon."

I turn on my heel and walk out the door towards the hospital entrance. I guess Aubrey already left with out me. I reach the parking lot and hop into my Jeep with so many worries on my mind. 

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