Dances Make Everything Better

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Chapter 3

I storm off still a little hurt by what that crazy ass cousin said to me and start searching for Aubrey. I'm looking all over for her but I don't see her anywhere.'It's only been like fifteen minutes, how can you lose someone on an open beach' I say to myself. 

Finally in the distance underneath a tree I spot her with that Alejandro boy from before. He is on top of her and they are making out. She has her hands tangled his his dark brown locks. I feel bad breaking them up but I'm really not feeling this party anymore.'I know just because of that Alicia girl. I shouldn't be this upset. Am I jealous? Maybe, who knows anymore.' 

"Look at you, Aubrey, you slut." I say jokingly knowing that I would get her attention.

I hear her giggle and she breaks away from this kiss. "Sorry, I was just having a little fun." She wipes her mouth and stands up.

"That makes one of us." She shows a worried look on her face. "Come on lets go take a walk she says. See you later Alejandro." "Adios Chica." She giggles, I bet she thinks thats really hot.

"So tell me, what happened between you and hot stuff?" She asks.

"His cousin Alicia happened. She called me a typical tourist and was saying how Tony is out of my league. She made it seem like I was a slut, or something. She was just being a complete bitch."

Aubrey pulls me into a hug. "She is just jealous of your perfect body." I laugh "Speaking of which." She nods her head up. "Here comes Tony right now with which I'm guessing are two alcoholic drinks. After this party you better at least kiss him." I shove her shoulder

"Go run back to your little make out sesh with Alejandro." I say sarcastically with a smirk.  She walks away shaking her booty.

"Hey Peyton, I'm really sorry about before. I know how she can be a total bitch sometimes when it comes to people she doesn't really know. But I brought you my famous drink to hopefully make it up to you." Tony says with a sincere look in his eyes.

"It's okay don't worry about it, she was kind of right." I say looking straight into his mouth watering chocolate brown eyes.

"How so?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"I am a total tourist that hits on boys that I don't even know." My face burns with embarrassment. 'Did you really just say that ,Peyton.' I tilt my head to the ground so he can't see how embarrassed I am.

"Well I think it was me that was hitting on the pretty tourist." He gives me his sweet smile. My heart is pounding a mile a minute. 

I didn't even realize we were standing so close. He hands me one of the drinks. "Thanks." I smile down at the drink. "It's famous now, huh?" "Yeah everyone I know loves it." He gives me the famous smile.

" I know this is really random but would you uh.... like to dance with me Peyton?" He says out of the blue. "Sure, but you're going to have to keep up with me."

"Is that a challenge Peyton, because I accept." He takes my hand and we walk closer to where the music is playing.

He grabs my hips and we start swaying together and we are dancing and laughing, to this fast music that is in Spanish. I don't think I have ever had this much fun with a boy before. It felt so easy with him. 'Oh boy, I think I'm falling for him and its only been one day.' 

The music began to slow down a bit and we are dancing so close now that there is no space between us. I look up at him and see that he is staring at me with his awestruck eyes.

"What, Is there something on my face?" I say while touching my face.

"No, I just can't believe how beautiful you are."

My stomach is doing flips and I feel a blush rise up. All of a sudden Tony leans down and swiftly touches my lips with his. Its such a light kiss but quickly becomes a more needed, passionate kiss. He tangles his fingers into my blonde beach waves. I put my hands around his neck, holding on for dear life. We soon become in sync and I never want to let go. I quickly became lost in the kiss.

I would never do this back home, making out with a stranger that is. But it just feels so right with him. Like we were meant to meet eachother on this trip.

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