Fun Times

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Chapter 8

Today was going to be an Aubrey and Peyton day, just the two of us. I feel like we haven't been spending a lot of time together because we keep spending time with our boys. So I felt like today was the perfect day because it was raining out and Tony and Alejandro both had to work. We decide to head on over to the local Aquarium because well the one that we have in Minnesota is pretty lame, nothing compared to the exotic species they have here.

We run outside to the closest taxi cab that we see so we don’t get totally drenched. It takes us about ten dreadful minutes to get there while the whole time the taxi driver was trying to hit on Aubrey. Finally the taxi pulls over to the side; I quickly gave him his money and jump out.

“God, I have never been so excited to get out of a car before.” I say

“You shouldn’t be talking I was the one that he was hitting on, I guess I picked the wrong wardrobe choice today.”  Aubrey laughs while looking down at her tight jeans and low crop yellow t-shirt.

I give her a small glare but can’t hold it long because I just let out a loud laugh.

“Come on lets go see some fish.” I say excitedly.

We reach the first exhibit and there are beautiful, bright colored fish all over. I have never seen anything like it before, so much better than the typical bass that we have at home. The path guides us through a lot more bright colored tanks and some with not so pretty fish. We reach an area where it was dark that had a tank that surrounded you. It was the main tank that had all sorts of marine life in it and my favorite: sharks. They were everywhere and they were huge.

I look around and I don’t see anybody so I grab Aubrey and I pull her down and we both lay on our backs staring up at all the fish and sharks.

When I was a kid I was always fascinated with sharks and other marine life ever since my dad came back from a business trip and brought me home a shark tooth bracelet. I thought it was the best present and so ever since my dream was to go to California and become a marine biologist.

We both just stare up in silence for a while taking it all in, not wanting to disrupt the peacefulness but soon get interrupted by a staff member telling us that we have to move along.

“Peyton can I ask you a question?” Aubrey says out of the blue.

“Do you even have to ask? I respond back realizing that this must be serious.

“Do you think that I should end it with Alejandro before it gets to complicated?” She asks quietly.

“What? I thought that last night you were crazy about him and you were going to try and make it work.” I say loudly and slightly confused.

“I know, I know. I do really like him and I told him that but I had a dream that he was cheating on me with another girl. So it made me think, I can’t have a long distance relationship with someone that lives out of the country, it’s not fair to me or him. I don’t want to worry about him meeting girls and I don’t want to not be able to have fun because I already have a boyfriend you know?”

I don’t really know what to say. I try thinking of the right thing but nothing comes to mind. I just stare back at her.

“Hello, are you going to say something like give me advice?” She says waving her hand in my face.

“Sorry, I was just thinking. But I think that you are right. I know you don’t want to hurt him so you should do what you feel is right before you both get too attached. We are going to college so you know there is going to be a ton of cute boys.” I respond thinking about how much this relates to me and Tony.

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