Boys and Beaches

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Chapter 2

Its just about 7 o'clock at night when Aubrey and I decide to check into our hotel so we can get ready for the party. We get to the Marcella Suites and a really attractive older boy with dark features comes to the door with these tropical lei flower necklaces and fruity drinks, I think they were spiked with a little bit of alcohol. Boy, did they taste good. We reach our suite and notice that it is over looking the ocean and we can see the small yellow shack that Tony was talking about not to far off to the right. The suite is gorgeous.

'Thank you parents.' I say in my head.

I decide to wear the floral dress that Aubrey picked out for me. 1. Because its the only really nice thing that I own and 2. Because it makes all my features stand out. I keep my hair down with simple blond beach waves and add a little lip gloss and mascara to look natural. 

After I finish getting ready I notice that Aubrey is wearing a tight pink skirt that fits her like a glove and a white, flowy tank top.She is wearing her brown hair up in a loose pony tail but added more make up then I usually wear. She looks stunning, like always. 

We both look into the mirror. "I have to say we look really hot. Those boys better watch out." I say and we both laugh and walk out the door.

We get to the beach and its about 8:15, you know what they say we were fashionably late. I am searching all over for Tony, when Aubrey whispers in my ear "You know, if it wasn't so obvious already, I would say that you totally have a crush on that boy." 

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Fine! Yes he is totally gorgeous did you see those biceps and those chocolate brown eyes."

"Now who is it that you think is gorgeous?" Tony says with a smirk while walking up to us. My face turns bright red. Luckily it's dark enough that he won't easily be able to see it.

"Oh you know, that boy over there." I try to say while pointing at some short boy that obviously doesn't even know how to work out.

"Wow Peyton, I didn't think that a girl your age would be interested in a fourteen year old." Tony says with a sarcastic tone to his voice. My face goes to an even darker shade of red.

Aubrey just bursts out laughing. "Stop lying, she was talking about you, Tony."

"Aubrey, you are dead." I say with a stern look.

"Well that's my cue I better go talk to that hot boy that keeps looking over here at me." She walks off flaunting her figure.

"I don't think I could be anymore embarrassed." I say shyly to Tony. "Well if it helps I think you look very gorgeous in that dress tonight" I feel a blush rising up again.

My insides are doing flips from how happy I am right now. "Thanks." I say returning a smile. Trying to change the subject I say. "So how long are you staying in Cabo for?"

"Well, I think for the rest of the summer because my dad has to deal with some family stuff." I notice that Tony got really quiet and sad all of a sudden but in a flash he was back to his original happy self. "What about you and is it just you and Aubrey?" 

"Yeah, we are staying for a month in the Marcella Suites." I say.

"Wait you are staying in those suites, I work there as the pool boy, and room service." He says all excited.

"No way, I'm going to have to order room service more often." Quickly realizing that I said that out loud. "Wait I mean, you know, so I can get food and drinks or what not." Trying to act all cool like I didn't actually just say that. I guess you could say that this is the most boy experience that  I have ever had. In high school  I wasn't the most popular girl. Aubrey was. Everybody thought that it was weird that we were best friends because we were total opposites. Her outgoing, me shy.

Tony just laughs with that famous smile that he always shows. "Right. You're cute when you get all nervous." I begin to blush again. Why does he make me feel this way all nervous and such. I haven't even known him that long and there is already flirting going on.

I focus back on Tony and blurt out "Wanna get a drink?"

He smiles and puts his hand on the small of my back. "Sure, ill make you my famous coconut surprise."

We walk up to the shack and I notice that Aubrey is dancing with a tall dark boy, must be Tony's cousin because they kind of look alike. I motion to Tony pointing out Aubrey. "Who is that with Aubrey?"

"That is Alejandro he's 19, our age. He is also my cousin. He usually wins over the ladies, as you can tell." Right after that Tony hands me a coconut with a clear liquid inside. Looks like coconut and tequila. I take a sip and I let out a quiet moan.

"Tony, this is delicious." I smile realizing I was right.

"Told you its good." He returns the smile.

All of a sudden a hear a high pitched screech coming from behind "Antonio!" I turn around and notice a tan girl about my height running up to Tony giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. All of a sudden I get knots in my stomach.

Why am I so jealous?

"Hi Alicia, its nice to see you too." He gives her a hug back. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay with your paps this summer."

"I know I am, but I just had to see you." She says with an annoying screech.

I wish she would just go away already. 

I turn to walk away because I feel like I am intruding on a love fest but Tony soon stops me. "Alicia this is Peyton, my new friend thats on vacation, Peyton this is Alicia, my younger cousin." What Alicia is his cousin, I shouldn't have assumed so quickly.

"Hi nice to meet you." I say acting like I just found out it was his cousin. "Yeah, sure." She says with a scowl. What did I do to her? 

"Look, Tony, I better go find my friend, I'll let you two catch up.See you later pool boy." I wave and walk away but soon stop when I hear Alicia say:

"What a tourist, already hitting on boys that are totally out of her league. I mean just look at her, could she be any more desperate." She says with her snarky laugh. 

"Alicia! What the hell is wrong with you. We were just talking. You don't have to be a bitch." Tony says with anger in his eyes. "I'm really sorry Peyton, she is one of those protective cousins."

"It's okay." I say quietly becoming my old self again and I quickly walk away so she doesn't have the satisfaction of seeing me upset.

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