A Ride to Remember

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Chapter 5

"Oh my god, oh my god Peyton! Are you okay? Wake up! Please!"

That's all I kept hearing in my subconscious mind, but the weird thing was I couldn't open my eyes or anything. I felt like I was stuck.. I could tell by Tony's muffled voice that he was really scared. I would do anything to wake up and let him know I was okay. Maybe I wasn't actually okay, who knows I might be stuck like this for a long time.

I really want to wake up. This is scaring me.

* * *

"Ready to have a crazy ass time?" Tony says with a grin on his face as I hop onto his blue Jeep Wrangler with a matching blue jet ski attached to the back. My nerves are already going insane just thinking about riding the huge waves while holding onto Tony's waist. 

"You just be ready to hold on tight!" I say with a smirk.

"And who says that you get to drive? This is my baby we're talking about." he says teasingly. I give him puppy dog eyes and pout my lip hopefully making myself look really cute so he will let me drive it a little while. "Nope not going to work on me. I'm a master at rejecting that look, even how cute you look." He says not budging but I can tell its really hard to say no. I begin to blush but quickly force it back so he doesn't see his effect on me.

"Fine. Its your loss." I say still pouting. 

We reach what looks like a worn out loading dock and Tony asks me if I could get out and help him guide the Jet Ski in the water. I hop out of his Jeep and guide him back. It is fully in the cristal clear water and Tony lets me know he is going to park the Jeep. "Now, don't go driving off on me now." He jokes. 

"What a good idea, I didn't think of that until you just told me. Maybe I will." I joke back. He flashes his famous smile and drives off to the closest parking spot and gets out and starts walking back towards me.

I finally get a chance to fully look at him today. His brown hair is all messy from driving with the top off. He is wearing sunglasses that make him look really hot with a white tank top on that shows off his biceps and a pair of white and blue plaid colored swim trunks. Could he be any more attractive. While I'm wearing a see through cover up with a pink bikini that Aubrey let me borrow and my hair pulled back.

"Like what you see?" Noticing me staring at him. He gives me a playful smile.

My face turn to a bright red that I can't even hide because of the bright sun. I don't even know what to say back. Luckily he just hands me a life jacket to put on. I quickly take off my cover up so it doesn't get wet and because I am a little self conscious because of how he is looking me up and down with a glint in his eye, and put on my life jacket on letting him have one more second to look.

"Like what you see?" I decide to throw back at him. 'Look who is blushing now.'

"Yeah I do a matter of fact. You look... Wow." I blush but still give him a sweet smile.

"Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." He takes off his tank top displaying his six pack but I quickly turn away so he doesn't catch me staring at him again and we both put our clothes in the compartment.

He throws on his life jacket and says "ready to go?" I nod and we hop on. Tony in the front and me in the back. At least on thing good comes out of this, I get an excuse to hold onto his muscular waist. Tony starts up the engine and begins backing up out of the loading dock and into the Pacific Ocean.

"Hold on tight" he says but  I can barely hear him with the wind and the engine roaring in my ear. I move closer and adjust my grip around his waist so I won't fall off. Right after that he tears off super fast, I get an adrenaline rush. I look back and the dock is becoming harder and harder to see. 

Tony takes some sharp turns and lifts the jet ski over huge waves. I thought waves got kind of big in Minnesota lakes but here they are monsters. Every time we jump over one you immediately got drenched. We have been riding for awhile now and I was about to lose my grip from all of the water getting on. It was really slippery so I started tapping on Tony's shoulder, and screaming in his ear to stop because I thought I was going to fall off. He hears me and begins to slow down and shuts off the Jet Ski and turns to look at me.

"What's the matter, are you not having any fun?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. 

"No, no thats not its at all, I just need to catch my breath for a little bit and it was becoming really hard to hold on." I say and gave him a smile to let him know I was having a great time.

"Well luckily I thought you might need a break so I packed some sandwiches and water." Could he be any more sweeter. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. "What was that for?" he asks.

"That was a thank you for showing me a great time and being so sweet." I say wanting to kiss him again and again but knowing that  I can't. 

Like he was reading my mind he turns his body fully around and moves closer to me. Inches from my face I felt his cool breath close to my lips and then he closes the distance between us and begins kissing me like the night on beach. But this time it was so much better.

I could taste salt on his lips from water splashing on him. It was a good taste. Next I feel his tongue teasing me to open up and I let him in and I let out a quiet moan that I never knew I could make. I tangle my fingers in his messy hair and pull him closer to me. He puts his hand on my bare thigh and I feel chills go through my whole body. He removes his lips and I begin thinking that this moment was over but he begins kissing my neck. I throw my head back in pleasure.

Our life jackets kept banging into each other and they were starting to become very uncomfortable. So I begin to un-buckle mine and Tony realizes this too and takes his off also with out taking his lips off of me. Right after that he moves back to my lips and we become one again always keeping the same rhythm. He is right about to reach my swim suit top, but all of a sudden my stomach begins to growl really loudly. I begin to laugh and he pulls away letting out a quiet moan.

He is the first to say something. "I guess that means you would like your sand which now and he hands me a peanut butter and jelly sand which."Sorry, I'm not the best cook. But I do make a mean PB and J." 

"Wow, you would make something totally American." I begin to laugh.

Later we both just sat there quietly eating our sandwiches. But quickly started talking about our lives.

We talked about where we are going to college. Tony is going to University of California, Los Angeles to study engineering and I am going to Davis, California to study marine biology. After we talked about our families I also found out the reason that he is here and probably why he became sad before was because his grandma is really sick. I felt so comfortable talking to him about anything, it was a great feeling that I was able to trust someone that I barely knew so much.

I didn't realize how late it was starting to get, the sun was setting and it was becoming dangerous to be out so late. 

"Looks like we have to head in." He turns around but after giving me a soft kiss on the lips and starts the engine. 

We were less then ten minutes from shore when all of a sudden this huge wave that neither of us saw from behind engulf us. I was quickly washed underneath the wave and tossed around which made me bang my head on something really hard probably the jet ski.

Thats the last thing I remembered.

Thank you guys for reading sorry this took so long to post. I was super busy and could not get this chapter right. I hope I did okay. Please comment and vote I would really appreciate the feedback!! Thanks again! I should have the next chapter posted by next week!

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