The Pain of Losing Someone

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Chapter 12

It’s been two days now since I have seen Tony last, after he dropped me off the night of the party. I have called him but he hasn’t answered any of my calls. I even asked Alejandro, thinking that he would know, but he hasn’t heard anything either. I gave up and decided to check in on Aubrey.

“Hey Aubrey, are you in there?” I ask knocking on the bathroom door.

I hear the toilet flush and then the sink turn on. “Be out in a second.” I walk over to the couch and sit down. Aubrey comes walking out a minute later, her face a little pale. I get up and walk over to her.

“Aubrey, are you okay? No offence, but you don’t really look so good.”

“Yeah, I think I just got some food poisoning from the tacos I ate last night.” She says. But the thing I don’t understand is, I was with her all night and we never had tacos.

“Aubrey we never had tacos last night, are you sure that’s it?”

“Oh I mean the chicken, yeah from the chicken.” She practically shoves out of her mouth. Something doesn’t seem right here, like she’s not telling me the truth. “But, I’m really tired and I still don’t feel very well so I’m going to go take a nap.

“Okay, I guess I’ll just go lay down by the pool for a bit. See you later.”

I throw on my swim suit and head down to the pool asking the front desk on my way down to see if they have seen or heard from Tony. No one at the front desk has heard anything so I head towards the pool.

I reach the pool and I get a little sad because I don’t see the familiar face that I got so fond of. I know I might sound like an obsessed girlfriend but it’s not like Tony to not call or send a flirty text to me every now and then. I lie down on my chair and started thinking about everything, Tony and how he disappeared, Aubrey and how she is all of a sudden sick. I laid there thinking over and over again different scenarios of what could be wrong with the both of them.

That’s when it hit me something bad must have happened to Tony’s grandmother, that had to be it. I got up and threw on my clothes. I still didn’t know what was wrong with Aubrey but I had a good idea on what it could be, but she could wait, anyways she was sleeping. I ran to the road and threw up my thumb, I know it was a dangerous idea but I have seen it in movies and nothing bad has happened to them, so what the hell. A couple minutes later a woman pulled over and picked me up; thank god it was a woman. I told her where to go and she drove me there. I said thank you and jumped out of the car. I ran all the way up to our secret spot and spotted him in the distance, hunched over with empty beer bottles lying next to him.

I walked up to him quietly even though I knew he heard me and right away I knew I was right; his grandmother passed away.

“Tony I’m so sorry.” I whisper out, with tears creeping up into my eyes.

“Peyton please just leave, I want to be alone.” He responds flatly.

“It’s okay let me help you.” I try saying to reassure him.

“Peyton please, I don’t want your help!” He says more sternly.

“You’re upset, I know but you don’t have to go through this alone.”

“That’s the thing I don’t want you here. If I never had met you I would have been able to spend more time with her, been able to say goodbye. You were only just a summer hook up for me, nothing more.”

I feel my heart breaking by his words. “I'm sorry I didn't think I was such a bother, I thought we were more than that.”

“Were not, never were. If you won’t leave, then I will.” He gets up and begins walking away stumbling over his feet. I try to grab his arm but she shrugs me off. “Stop, Peyton.” I drop my arm and stare at him while he gets farther and farther away. I didn't understand why he acted this way towards me. I thought we were closer than that, I thought we could talk to each other about anything.

I slump to the ground and begin to cry. How come such happiness can turn into pain so fast? Two days ago I was lying in his arm, nothing to worry about just being in the moment, being happy. I was falling in love with everything about him, but after tonight I don’t think I’ll ever get the chance to tell him. I cry for a while but realize it’s getting late and I have to walk all the way home.

 I see a sign by the road saying that Cabo San Lucas is seven miles away. It takes me over an hour to get home. I look like a mess. My eyes hurt from all the tears I could barely see anything in the dark. But thankfully I see the hotel not too far off into the distance. I just want to go crawl up in my bed and pretend that this night never happened

A/N: Okay I know you guys are probably mad at me and I know this was a terrible way to end the chapter but I have been so busy so many things have been going on so thanks so much for sticking with me through this and again Im really sorry that I wasnt able to upload in a month! Hey atleast I did upload I promise I will update more often now even though the story is coming to an end I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far by now! Love

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