The Truth Comes Out

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After the night Tony's grandmother died and him telling me to leave him alone, I decided to follow his wishes and let him come to me first when he is ready to talk. It was the night before we had to leave to go to California. Aubrey and I decided to have a movie night and watch all of our favorite horror movies.

"Okay this movie is just terrible, I don't even know how I can even tolerate it, with all the fake acting and when the doctor sews them all together I just want to barf." Aubrey groaned while making a disgusting face.

"I know but you have to admit, its the first you have ever seen a movie like this. All the other movies have the same plot, the girl is being attacked by and evil man, then somehow she kills him in the end." I say.

"Yeah what ever but it's still awful. Hold on a sec I have to run to the bathroom," she gets up quickly walking to the bathroom and slamming the door.

The next I hear is her coughing and gagging through the walls.

"Aubrey is everything okay?" I run over and open up the bathroom door noticing right away that shes hunched over the toilet throwing up.

"Yeah I'm fine, I must still feel sick from that food poisoning and it doesn't help with all those disgusting parts in that movie." she shuddered.

She sits up and we sit there facing each other on the floor.

"No, Aubrey I don't think that's it. I think you are not telling me something."

"Really it's nothing."

"Really it's nothing? I wanted you to say something first but since your not I'll just come out and say it, I know you're pregnant."

"How long have you known?" She says shocked.

"A couple of days, right when you first got sick and then I took out the trash and found your pregnancy stick. How come you didn't tell me?" I start becoming upset.

"Because I was afraid you were going to get my parents involved and I wasn't ready for that. I wanted to figure everything else out first. I was also afraid that you were going to hate me." Aubrey begins to cry.

I stand up and walk to the counter and grab some Kleenex's's for her and a wet wash cloth because she looks like shes about to throw up again, and I was right because a second later she is hunched over the toilet bowl throwing up.

After she is done I hand her the kleenex and wash cloth and begin talking.

"Aubrey, I would never hate you for this, you know I will support you know matter what, it hurts me that you would think otherwise." Aubrey didn't say anything so I just continued. "So have you told Alejandro?"

"Yes, I told him the night when you were gone, looking for Tony. He is supportive also and he said that he would come with me to California so I can still go to college and he will find a job there and we can raise the baby." She says with a glint in her eye.

We both stand up and leave the bathroom, and I am glad because it was starting to reak in there. We walk back over to the coach and sit down. I started become sad because she was going to have a happy ending and I sat her not knowing what was going to happen to me and Tony, I was so confused with everything. I think Aubrey noticed I was sad so she placed her hand on my knee.

"Don't worry Peyton, Tony will come around I know it. Also I want to thank you for being supportive of this and don't worry I will tell my parents after Alejandro and I settle into an apartment, so they will have to accept it."

"You promise?" I say looking at her.

"I promise."

The movie just ended so I got up and slid in a new movie and watched it until my eyes became to heavy to keep open, and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was the day that we left for college.


 Tony’s P.O.V.

I regretted it right after I said it. I don’t know what got to me, the beer or just all my emotions. It was still no excuse to what I said to her. I knew she was more than just a hook up for me, she is one of the best things that ever happened to me but I blew it. I needed to find her, tell her that I am in love with her, that I never meant to say any of that. But I couldn’t, not right now anyway. It was my grandmother’s funeral and my phone is somewhere in the ocean because I was so angry and that’s all that I had on me and I needed to throw something.

It was the next day and he funeral was in an hour and I was just finishing putting on my tie, the same day that Peyton had to leave for college. I had to make sure that I got to her before she left otherwise she may never forgive me and we will never have a chane together. 

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