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The full moon hung low in the overcast sky as the two figures faces off in a shadowy alleyway. The world around them was cast in the sickly yellow light of the street lamps. Rain began to patter down on to the tarmac streets as the clock tower struck 12. The sounds of a drunkard emptying his stomach could be heard.
"Where is the girl, Racksacov?" The smaller man growled in his deep Texan drawl.
"Why would I tell you?" The second's voice was heavy with his Russian accent.
"If you tell me, Racksacov, I might just spare your life." His ice blue eyes were emotionless as he gazed up at the mountainous Russian.
"You? Kill me?" Racksacov guffawed. "You wouldn't be able to kill an unconscious baby! I, however, am a trained assassin." He went suddenly serious.
"I'd watch my mouth if I were you. You are on my territory."
"Is that a challenge?" Racksacov snarled, his black eyes now blazed in fury and his teeth elongated into fangs.
"That depends..." His eyes flashed to the darkness behind the Russian, signalling his men.
Five figures emerged from the shadows; their golden eyes glowed unnaturally in the dim light and each finger ended in an inch long razor sharp claw. Sensing movement behind him, Racksacov whipped round faster than humanly possible, claws sprouting from his own fingers. His eyes became a silvery gold, the eyes of a wolf.

A vicious snarl erupted from his throat as he faced his opponents. The five men never faltered as they spread out around him. Racksacov's eyes flicked between them, calculating their every move as a low, threatening growl rumbled in his chest.
"Assassins are trained to kill one man undetected. So the question is, can you fight five fully trained fighters in hand to hand combat?" The man laughed as he retreated to his sleek black sedan to spectate from a safe distance.

As the car door slammed shut, the five men moved in as one. But Racksacov was ready for them. As they lunged at him, he ducked down and shifted almost instantly. In his place, stood a huge dark grey wolf. Without hesitation, he lunged and bit down on the the nearest man's leg. The crunch of bone echoed in the alleyway. The man collapsed in pain and Racksacov abruptly snapped his neck.

A second man slashed at Racksacov, and tore into his left flank. The wolf didn't even flinch as it whipped round and snapped at him. The man was fast enough to escape with his hand, but not fast enough to escape with his life. He had whipped his arm back so violently he had lost his balance and stumbled. The last thing he saw, was the jaws of the wolf as it proceeded to rip out his throat.

By now, the other three men had transformed three pure black wolves. Racksacov faced them, his bloodstained muzzle pulled back in a feral snarl. Even in his wolf form, he towered above them. They approached in almost zombie-like unison as they spread out around him once again. He rotated slowly, his muscles coiled and ready to launch him forwards at a moment's notice.

No one could have guessed what happened next.

A blinding light blazed down, illuminating the four wolves and blinding Racksacov. A weighted silver net dropped down down onto the monstrous wolf, trapping it. In a blind rage, he thrashed and clawed, desperately trying to escape. The wolves rushed forward, transforming into their human forms. Two wrapped nylon cables from the helicopter around either end of the net. The largest pinned down the wolf's head and wound a cable dipped in wolfsbane cruelly tight around its muzzle.

Racksacov felt utterly helpless as he was hoisted into the air, the net dug uncomfortably into his side and the wolfsbane on the cable wound around his muzzle burned his skin. His last thought before he was injected with a sedative, was that he would never give up on her, the girl with the unknown powers. He would protect her until his final breath.

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