Chapter 6

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With the gun still pointing at my head, Blake removed the silver muzzle that had prevented me from shifting or communicating with Trinity. Her pain and sorrow slammed into me and I could already feel the same pain from my Birth Night.

"Shift." He commanded, smirking. I growled but did as he asked.

"Clothes." My voice was weak and hoarse.

"But I am your ma-"

"You will never be my mate!" Trinity snarled through me. The pain transforming into fury as I glared up at my mate. In my mind, I was dreaming up the best ways to kill him slowly and painfully. But I knew it would never happen. Mates were physically unable to hurt each other. And if one were to die, the other was highly likely to die from either the pain or depression. 

"I beg to differ." He reached out and wrapped a curl of hair around his finger. I snarled, warning him back, but he knew it was an empty threat.

"Clothes." I repeated, my voice almost robotic. Sighing, he reached into a drawer and pulled out jeans and an oversized hoodie. I hastily pulled them on before standing to face him. His ice blue eyes skimmed over me, checking me out, and I growled a warning. He smirked again, oh how I wanted to punch him, before speaking.

"Come. We're going to get you fitted for equipment."

"Equipment?" I raised an eyebrow sarcastically.

"Yes. You'll find out soon enough." Without another word, he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door.

I fought the whole time, disgusted by the pleasant tingles that radiated from his touch. In response, he tightened his vice-like grip on my arm and I winced in pain. If he felt anything, he didn't show it.

"Let me go!" I snarled at him for the thousandth time whilst trying to pry myself from his grip.

"No. I can't risk you running away."

"You scared you can't catch me?" I taunted, smirking.

"No, I know I won't be able to catch you." His answer took me by surprise and I stared at him, stunned. Inside my head, Trinity was scheming.

Finally, we stopped in front of a fancy marble building with sweeping archways and floor to ceiling windows. On display were both human and wolf mannequins wearing high tech Kevlar body armour and training attire, all in matte black. 

"Right. You're going to get fitted with the best equipment we have, you are, after all, our future Luna." Luna.... My heart ached at the thought of Hadrien and a wave of sadness and longing washed over me. Trinity whimpered quietly. When I noticed Blake watching me, I just nodded mutely before letting him lead me inside.

The fitting process could only be described as torture. It took two hours if weighing, measuring and, of course, trying on equipment until I was finally kitted out for training. I wore a vest top made of a finely woven material that could withstand a bullet and a matching pair of black sports leggings. Over my chest was a lightweight vest made to hold several knives, my preferred weapon, and lightweight combat boots. Three knives were strapped to my shoulder, thigh and calf and a bow and quiver of arrows was slung over my shoulder. In my hand, was a knife that I swear was made just for me.

The blade itself was about 7 inches and matte black reinforced steel, with the bottom half of one side serrated and the rest sharp and smooth. It ended in a deadly point that could pierce through almost everything. The handle was carbon fibre, with nylon cable wrapped tightly around it for grip. The bow was also made of matte black carbon fibre, with a nylon grip. The arrows were fletched with custom feathers and I could fire with deadly accuracy.

"I don't see why you don't just use a gun." Blake pointed out for the hundredth time, eyeing the bow.

"So I know who I killed." Blake snorted, but was clearly uncomfortable. Good. When we reached the training grounds, Trinity stirred.

"This is going to be fun." She purred.


I stood facing them, my cool green eyes monitoring their every move. I could tell they didn't see me as a threat. They stared at me lazily, wanting to just get me out of the way. To my left, my weapons were lain nearly on the grass, easily accessible if needed. In my hand, I held my knife at the ready.

"Ready? Asked the one, clearly bored. I gave him an almost invisible nod of my head, not allowing my guard down for even a second. I could feel Blake's eyes studying my every move as the first man lunged forward to attack.

His strike was clumsy and I sidestepped it easily before proceeding to send him sprawling face first. At this point, the second was attacking. He swung a serrated knife at my face but I parried with my own, stopping it inches from my right eye. At the same time, my left hand came around and wrapped it in a vice-like grip around his throat. His eyes bulged and his mouth opened and closed like a fish as he tried to gasp for air. His knife dropped harmlessly from his grip. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other wolf attempt to sneak up on me. In one swift move, I use the wolf in my grasp as a club to take out the second. They were both sent flying and didn't get up.

I turned to glare at Blake.

"Give me proper fighters, Blake." He raised an eyebrow at me, but I held his gaze. Finally, he signalled a burly wolf who hurried over.

"Bring me Caine and Keith." The man looked over Blake's shoulder at me and then back to Blake.

"You're seriously pitting them against her? She's as good as dead."

"Get them NOW!" Blake snarled, dominance radiating off of him. The wolf whines and scurried off.

"Temper, temper." I remarked sarcastically, tossing my knife from one hand to the other.

"You are so lucky you're my mate. Otherwise you'd be dead by now."

"Oh yeah? You wouldn't stand a chance against me." I challenged, staring him dead in the eyes. I was satisfied to see a flicker of fear in his eyes.

"Caine and Keith reporting for duty, Alpha." Two tall, muscular wolves jogged up to us and saluted Blake before turning to me.

"With all due respect Alpha, why is a female training?" I could already tell I was going to hate the dude. 

"Because she is the future Luna, Caine. And you two are her official trainers." Caine eyed me like something he'd just found stuck to his shoe, I met his gaze calmly, but there was a threat to my gaze. Keith just regarded me coolly, not judging, just observing. As of yet, he hadn't spoken a word to either me or Blake. I immediately saw him as a threat, something was off about him and I decided to always be on guard around him.

"Who are you sparring first?" Blake turned to me.

"I want to put. Caine in his place." The revolting wolf just smirked and cracked his knuckles. Trinity licked her lips, this was going to be fun.

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