Chapter 14

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The female snarled at me, her magnificent wolf towering over me. Eclipse snarled back despite the searing pain from the slash in our flank. I pushed into the female's thoughts in the hopes to find out what her motives were, and I instantly pulled out again. Her mind was the worst I'd ever seen. It was dark and full of pain, anger and suffering, a bottomless void of darkness. Her wolf was strong though, stronger than any I'd encountered previously. I shook my head, trying to clear it, when she struck once more.

We slammed into the dirt, and we cried out as we landed heavily on our wound. Our cry was stopped short by her jaws locking around our throat. We froze, our heart pounding as the creature met our terrified gaze. Her intelligent green eyes studied us, searching for any signs of retaliation, taunting us. Eclipse snarled, but we both knew it was futile. Finally, she relaxed in the wolf's grip and let our head drop, exposing our throat entirely. She didn't let go immediately, but when she did, we let out a heavy breath we didn't know we were holding.

She barked harshly, telling us to get up and follow her. We did as she said, keeping our head and tail low as a sign of respect. We had to trot to keep up with her long, effortless strides. As we walked, I saw the other wolves going through similar treatment. I felt especially sorry for one black who was fighting a large, pure white wolf. The creature was lightning fast, snapping and slashing at the poor thing, leaving it bleeding and bewildered. The female seemed to notice and stopped. She gave me a look, telling me to stay before leaping at the white. She knocked him off the now unconscious black, but he kept his footing and slashed at her. She darted out of the way, faster than any wolf I had ever seen before. She lunged at his throat, but he twisted in time for her to only tear into his shoulder. He snarled angrily and attempted to attack at the side of her neck, but she snapped it back. He was thrown off balance by his own attack, and she used the opportunity to slash at his face.

The wolf cried out in pain and fury. Three deep slashed ran across his face, running from his left eyebrow, across his eye, and down over his muzzle. His black eyes blazed in fury, as his shape began to ripple. I watched in amazed horror as the wolf transformed into a huge tiger. The female didn't even flinch as it roared at her, a terrible sound. He leapt at her, a flying mass of furious fangs and deadly claws. She rolled to the side, before gaining her feet again and leaping at him.

By now, several other wolves had rushed to the scene. Several shifted and moved in cautiously, hoping to try and break up the fight. Two rushed off, probably to call the Alpha. I continued to watch, awed by this terrible yet incredible display of fighting skills. The wolf seemed to almost dance around the tiger, performing some of the most incredible acrobatic fighting skills I'd ever seen; leaping over him and rolling under him. The tiger was soon bleeding quite heavily, whilst the wolf had no severe injuries.

"ENOUGH!!!" I whipped around to see a large man run into the clearing. By the power and authority radiating off of him, I could tell he was the Alpha. The tiger stopped immediately, but the wolf continued to snarl and even lunged at the tiger again. One of the support wolves slammed into her, but she twisted in midair to land on her feet. She tried to attack again, but the Alpha grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and slammed her head in dirt, asserting his dominance. She snarled at him and continued to struggle in his grip. With his other hand, he grabbed her muzzle and flipped her onto her back, pushing her head back and forcefully exposing her throat to him.
"I said, enough!" He snarled.

She finally gave up fighting and he slowly let go. He then turned his attention to the tiger, who had shifted back to his human form. An ugly scar now ran across the left side of his face.
"Who started this?" The Alpha snarled at him. Wordlessly, the man pointed at the female. When the Alpha looked at her, she shifted and got to her feet.
"He was abusing his arrival." She nodded in the direction of the black wolf who lay forgotten in the dirt. He still hadn't woken up. Two wolves rushed over to the wolf, frantically checking vitals.
"Is this true, Keith?" The man just glared at the female.
"He was disrespectful to me. And to you. I was teaching him a lesson."
"By beating him within an inch of his life? Great teaching skills, Keith." She remarked sarcastically.
"Shut it, Nyra!" The Alpha snarled. She rolled her eyes but remained silent.

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