Chapter 12

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I cried out in pain for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Beside me, Blake rubbed my back soothingly, he had given up trying to hold me when I nearly took his eye out accidentally. 

"What's happening to them?" I whispered through the tears. It felt like I was being ripped apart, and earlier all the air had been knocked from my lungs.

"I don't know, Nyra. And I don't know why it's been getting so bad lately." I sighed, and lay there as the pain finally began to fade. Just as I was beginning to finally drift off, a wolf burst into the room.

"Alpha Blake! They've brought in a rogue." Blake sat up abruptly, and I jumped.

"What's happening?" I looked between the two of them, but Blake just shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you later." I nodded and he raced out the room. 


When I finally woke, my body hurt all over. Dried blood covered my body, and every muscle screamed in protest if I moved. My head throbbed with the rhythmic pounding of my heart, and it felt like it would split in half with every swell. My tongue was dry and swollen, my throat bone dry, every breath hurt. When I finally managed to pry my eyes open, the harsh sunlight from a single barred window seemed to fry my eyeballs. I shut them instantly, and let the rest of my senses tell me where I was.

There was the familiar sickly sweet stench of the monstrous wolves, indicating they were nearby, but not near enough to be heard. The ground was cool and rough, probably stone. From what I had briefly seen, I was in a prison cell, yet again.

"Is he in here?" I froze at the voice, the one wolf I'd wanted to kill from the moment I laid eyes on him: Blake.

"Yes sir." Another replied, probably the guard.

There was a clatter of keys, and then the squeal of a door opening. There was heavy footsteps, which stopped abruptly when the owner spotted me.

"I wanted it alive, not dead." Blake snarled at the guard. "I need them alive for tests. Especially with the male and female's DNA combined." My ears pricked, this information was potentially useful. 

"Sir, I think it's awake." I tensed as I felt Blake's cold gaze fell on me.

"Leave." The guard hurriedly left and the door squealed shut.

"You never learn, do you Alpha?" He crouched down beside me, his eyes skimming over my battered body. I struggled to open my eyes, and I was glad that his body blocked off the light from the window.

"Where is she?" I rasped as I glared up at him.

"Somewhere you will never find her." I attempted to growl, but it was weak and hurt my throat.

"Let me see my mate!" He raised an eyebrow, but just smirked at me.

"I have some training videos, but that's all you're gonna get, Alpha." I bristled at his mocking tone, but the thought of seeing our mate chased away all anger. Instead, I nodded.

"Let me see her." He nodded before leaving the room. A few minutes later, he returned with a tablet. I struggled to sit up, wincing in pain as my entire body protested. I gingerly reached my hand out for the tablet, and he handed it to me. I pressed play, and began to watch.

She had transformed. She was no longer the female I remembered, her body was all muscle, and her skin was littered with scars that she had decided not to fully heal. She moved with the fluid grace of the creature within her. There were several knives strapped to her and a bow and quiver of arrows were slung over her shoulder. She stood there, a deadly-looking black Bowie knife held at the ready as she faced her three opponents. Each of them was a monstrous thug, hulking mountains of muscle. They dwarfed her in size, but it was clear which one was in charge.

"Begin when you are ready." I heard Blake's voice from behind the camera.

The first thug rushed forwards with an animalistic cry in an attempt to intimidate her, shifting as he charged. Her face remained blank as she faced him head on. I watched in fear as he got dangerously close to her. Then she jumped.

I had never seen anyone leap like that, she flew straight over the wolf, twisting in the air so she landed on her feet facing away from the bewildered creature. The two remaining wolves seemed uneasy as she regarded them coolly. Gone was the vulnerable look in her bright green eyes, they were cold and calculating.... empty. It was truly terrifying. Behind her, her first attacker recovered and prepared to attack once again, the only indication she had noticed, was when her grip on the knife tightened ever so slightly.

Obviously thinking she hadn't noticed, the two wolves in front of her attempted to distract her with lunges and feints. She didn't react to any, but her stance changed as she prepared for the attack to come. The large mud-coloured wolf was surprisingly silent as it crept up on the seemingly unsuspecting Nyra. Just as the wolf lunged, she leapt backwards, towards the wolf, landing on her hands and springing off of them. She slammed down onto the wolf, her knife slicing into its side. The creature howled in pain as it struggled to regain its footing. She clung on, and pulled out her knife. Blood now flowed freely from the deep wound, staining the grass. The wolf's companions rushed to his aid, one shifting fully, whilst the other's claws and fangs came out. 

They moved together, approaching her from either side to increase their chances. Their friend had given up struggling and was lying defeated on the floor, weak from blood loss. Nyra bared her fangs, and snarled, the first emotion she had shown the entire time. She had let her wolf come to the surface. She swiftly shoved the knife in its sheath on her belt as claws sprouted from her fingers. 

"Three opponents, three fighting styles." I murmured to myself.

"Exactly." Blake smirked, I ignored him.

Encouraged by this reaction, the half-shifted wolf shifted its stance, ready to lunge at her. But before he could even blink, there was a deep slash across his face. I gasped at how fast she moved. She was a blur of flying claws and snapping fangs. The poor wolf didn't stand a chance against this human hurricane. Our mate, she was our mate. I was disgusted at the fear brewing in the pit of my stomach as I watched her fight, that she was capable of such terrifying fighting skills. 

Before long, the wolf was lying on the floor, completely incapacitated. Nyra turned to face her final opponent as she shifted fully. I could barely recognise her wolf. She was larger than your average female wolf, and she was pure muscle. She was still lean and had a narrow frame, but underneath her fiery gold coat, there was nothing but pure, taught muscle. Her muzzle was also littered with scars, and you could basically see the dominance and power radiating off of her. 

Her snarl as she faced the final wolf made me want to cower away from the other side of a screen, so I could only imagine what it was like in real life. She stalked closer, hackles raised, bloodstained fangs bared; she was a thing of nightmares. 

"What have you done to her?" I glared up at Blake.

"Trained her to embrace the monster within." He replied simply.

"She's not a monster!" I attempted to snarl, but ended up in a fit of coughing.

"Look at her, Thorn. Tell me that's not a monster." I turned back to the screen to see a large, pure white wolf slam into Nyra to stop her tearing into her opponent. I swallowed as tears formed in my eyes. What had happened to her? 

"Tell me, Alpha, how does it feel to know that that... thing is your mate?" I growled defensively at his comment.

"She is your mate as well." 

"Let me tell you a little secret, Alpha. That thing is not my mate. Never has been, never will be." He stalked out of the room, laughing evilly and leaving me to my nightmarish thoughts.

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