Chapter 1

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Three years later...

I shot up in bed, my heart pounding. For a month now, that nightmare had plagued me, waking me up every night. I let out a shaky breath and lay back down, the sweat-soaked bed cold against my back.
"It's just a dream, Nyra." I whispered into the darkness, "There's no such thing as werewolves." I laughed quietly to myself, lifting a trembling hand to wipe the sweat from my forehead, before turning over and beginning to drift off...

Pain. Red hot blinding pain hit me like a brick wall. An inhuman scream tore at my throat and ripped through the silence of the night. It felt like a thousand pins had been buried in my skin all at once. I clawed desperately at my skin, trying to make the pain stop as I writhed in bed. The sensation was soon joined by an ache in my bones so intense my vision went dark.

It was then that I heard, or more felt, the first crack.

My bedroom lights blazed to life, blinding me as I thrashed in pain.
"Nyra!" I heard my mum's panicked voice but it seemed distant, everything suddenly seemed so far away, as if I was looking through someone else's eyes.

The pain stopped as suddenly as it started, I stood there, trembling and trying to catch my breath. My mother, however, continued to stare at me in horror. Confused, I looked at my mirror and screamed, at least I would have if I was human. Staring back at me was a large coppery-coated wolf. Her startling green eyes were filled with terror.
"N-Nyra?" I turned to my mum, eyes pleading.
"H-Help," I tried to say, but it came out as a whimper.
"It's really you, isn't it?" I nodded, "I have to tell them." I looked up at her, confused, but she rushed out before I could attempt to ask her.

Whimpering, I curled up on my bed, my muzzle tucked under my tail and waited for something to happen.
"Nyra." A soft, calm voice in my head pulled me from my restless doze.
"Who's there?" I whimpered, "Can you help me?"
"Yes I can. I am your wolf, Trinity."
"My wolf? But I don't own a wolf."
"No, I am the wolf inside of  you, the form you are currently in, is mine."

My mind was reeling as I tried to comprehend what this voice was telling me.
"How do you not know this? You are a werewolf, are you not?" It queried, seemingly confused by my lack of knowledge.
"Werewolves? You mean those are real?"
"Look at yourself." Trinity said, bored. Internally rolling my eyes, I sighed.
"Can you please change me back?"
"No, I cannot. You must remain in your wolf form until at least 24 hours after your first shift."

Suddenly, my mum burst into the room and out of reflex, I jumped to my feet and snarled at her. The sound that came from my mouth was truly terrifying.
"Calm down, Nyra, they're here to help you." I instantly switched my attention to the two figures in the shadows behind her. The wolf in my head bristled and I felt my fur shift as it imitated the movement. They were huge, almost as big as the Russian from my dream and there was an aura of power that hung around them. My snarl increased in volume and ferocity. My mum glanced nervously between us.

"Don't worry, the aggression and confusion is common among newly shifted wolves." The man assured my mother, but his icy gaze never left me.
"I don't trust them." Trinity growled softly in my head.
"Neither do I." I replied, "But how do we get past them?"
"Leave that to me."

Before I could comprehend what was happening, she took complete control of our body and lunged forwards. We flew through the air like a copper bullet, catching the first man off guard. He fell heavily to the floor and there was a whoosh as the air left his lungs. Trinity did not hesitate and leaped at the second, slightly smaller man. We barrelled into his legs, knocking them out from under him. He collapsed on the ground and we continued to fly forwards. We bounded down the stairs in two leaps and ran towards the half-open door.

Behind us, I heard the sharp clacking of claws on tiles and I began to panic.
"Relax," I heard Trinity, "I will get us out of here safely. I am stronger and faster than I seem." With that, we leapt out the door and took a sharp turn towards the forest bordering town. I spotted several curious faces peeking from bedroom windows, probably wondering what in the blazes was going on. I could hear the two wolves racing after us, but Trinity's long, effortless strides carried us further and further ahead and soon we entered the shadowy depths of the forest.
It was another hour before Trinity decided it was enough. I slowly felt her melting to the back of my mind again and relinquishing control. The fatigue hit me like a brick wall and I struggled to stay upright. I felt a slight buzz at the back of my mind and a warm trickle of strength flowed from Trinity, allowing me to find shelter for the rest of the night.

As I curled up in the hollow beneath a tree, I gazed up at the full moon and a dull ache sprang up in my chest. A sudden sense of loneliness overwhelmed me and I whimpered softly. A solitary tear trickled from my eye as I let go and fell asleep.

Golden sunlight filtered through the leaves and danced on the forest floor when I finally woke.
"Come Nyra, we must keep moving. They will send trackers after us." Trinity's voice pulled me back to reality with a resonating thud and my good mood was ruined. Could she not shut up?
"Well I'm sorry I'm trying to keep us alive! So, no, I will not shut up." I jumped, how did she know what I was thinking?
"I'm inside your head, Nyra. It would be hard not to hear you think. Now come on, we need to get a move on."

I heaved myself to my feet and allowed Trinity to guide my movements. She kept us at a tireless, steady lope, using her endless stamina and allowing me to conserve my strength and rest. I couldn't believe that sharing my mind felt so natural and comfortable, but it did. As we weaved through the endless maze of trees, my mind let go and I fell fast asleep.

A deep, menacing growl jolted me awake. A huge black wolf towered over us, dominance rolling over us in waves. Whimpering, Trinity lowered us to the ground, ears back, tail low, in an act of submission. When he continued to growl, she rolled over, exposing our belly and neck. In one final display of dominance, the black wolf gently but firmly grabbed our neck and shook it slightly before letting go. It quickly moved behind a tree.
"Now's our chance to escape" I told Trinity.
"I cannot, he is an Alpha and I must respect that." Rolling my eyes, I retreated to the back of our mind.

Before long, a tall broad-shouldered young man appeared from behind the tree. His dark hair was tousled and his silver eyes glittered like his wolf's.
"Shift." His command was terse and hard.
"This is going to hurt, Nyra." Trinity warms, before dropping to the back of my mind and allowing my body to resume its natural form. I cried out in pain as my bones snapped and realigned and the coppery hairs retracted. When it was done, I was left stark naked, I instantly tried to cover myself.

The man tossed me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which I hastily pulled on.
"Name?" His voice was cold.
"N-Nyra." I muttered and Trinity forced my head down as a sign of respect.
"Pack?" I looked up at him in confusion.
"Which pack do you come from." He clarified, eyeing me closely.
"I-I d-don't have a pack." I stammered pathetically.
"So you're a rogue?" The Alpha growled dangerously. Before I could reply, Trinity took over.

"Alpha, she was raised amongst humans unaware of our kind, we had our first shift two nights ago."
"And Why wasn't she raised by werewolves?"
"I-I do not know, Alpha." I felt a twinge of guilt from Trinity for lying to an Alpha as we recalled the dream.
"Very well then, I welcome you to the Blue Moon Pack. Follow me." On trembling legs, I stumbled after the Alpha as he lead us deeper into his territory.

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