Chapter 7

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Dominance and aggression radiated off of us, and the air was thick with tension. Canines bared, claws extended, we circled each other, both waiting for the other to let down their guard. Trinity was right at the front of my mind, controlling my movements, but allowing me to control our mind. Every scent was enhanced ten times over, every sound crystal clear. Every twitch of his fingers, every change in his facial expression was seen as a threat as adrenaline coursed through my veins.

Finally, he struck. In reality, he was a blur, but to me it played in slow motion. A clawed hand narrowly missed my face, as a leg swung round in an attempt to trip me up. I bent backwards to avoid his claws and jumped over his leg. Defence became attack as I did a back flip and my boots smashed into his jaw. I landed on my hands and flipped back onto my feet, twisting in midair to face him once more.

Blood tricked from his nose and he spat out a tooth as well as a significant amount of blood. When he looked at me, his eyes were filled with pure loathing.

"You are going to regret that." He snarled, his body contorting as he shifted. A few seconds later, a large silver wolf stood before me, his muzzle contorted in a snarl. He shifted his weight, the telltale sign he was about to attack.

As he lunged forwards, I sprinted towards him, just as we were about to collide, I jumped and rolled over his back. When I dropped down behind him, I grabbed his tail and yanked downwards. He yelped in pain as his hind legs buckled beneath him. As he attempted to recover, I shifted entirely and leapt at him. I was on top of him before he could react, my claws embedded in is flanks as I tore at his neck with my teeth. Blood filled my mouth, spurring Trinity on.

The world flipped, and a crushing weight bore down on me as Caine rolled on to his back in an attempt to get me off. I let go of his neck, and instead bit down on his ear, hard. He yelped in pain and struggled to his feet. I got up just as fast and readied myself to attack again.

I have no idea what happened next, a white blur barrelled into me from the side, sending me flying, and before I could react, a pure white wolf had my throat in its jaws. I thrashed in its grip, my claws tearing at its underbelly. In response, it tightened its grip on my throat, black spots began to dance in my vision as my air supply was cut off. My attack became more and more frantic as I tried desperately to get him off me. I wouldn't lose. I had to win. As I felt myself fading, the strangest sensation took over me, and liquid fire seemed to run through my veins.

"You can do it." Trinity spoke calmly.

I don't know what happened, one minute I was pinned under him, being choked to death, the next, he was sent sprawling in the dirt. I pulled myself to my feet, power radiating off of me. Even Blake seemed to cower away from me. I stalked over to the wolf which I now knew was Keith and stood over him. I bared my bloodstained fangs, and fear flickered in his eyes. Rage blinded me, the only thought in my head was: kill. I wrapped my jaws around his throat, shifting my grip until I had the ideal position to snap his neck. I tightened my grip, and began to turn my head....

"Stop!" Blake commanded, striding over to us. He grabbed me by my scruff and threw me to the ground, pinning my head to the floor. I snarled and struggled against him, trying desperately to escape his iron grip.

"Nyra! I said stop it!" He snarled, tightening his grip. I just growled back at him, knowing he couldn't hurt me. "Shift!" I just continued to glare at him. He shook his head in frustration, but finally let me go.

"You two are dismissed." He looked to Caine and Keith who had both shifted. Caine looked traumatised, but Keith just observed me coolly like nothing had ever happened. They nodded and walked off.

I stood up and glared at Blake as he studied my wolf. Being the dominant female she was, Trinity puffed out our chest and straightened our tail, making us seem bigger than we really were.

"Your build is completely different from what I expected." He muttered almost to himself. "Much leaner, no extra muscle. Interesting." Before he could make any further comments, we shifted back to my human form. Amazingly, my clothes were still on my body and in perfect condition instead of in tatters on the ground. Noticing my fascination, Blake just smirked.

"Top secret material. So no, I will not tell you." I rolled my eyes and walked over to my gear.

"How did you do it?" I looked up at him, confused by his question.

"How did you throw Keith off?" I shrugged and continued strapping my weapons.

"Don't lie to me Nyra."

"Or what?" I cried, losing it. "What are you going to do to me? What could possibly be worse than separating me from my true mate?" I emphasised the word true and his eyes flashed in anger. Now that nothing was happening, the pain in my chest was worse than it had ever been, and I didn't know what to do anymore.

"You will learn to respect me!" Blake snarled and grabbed my arms, holding me close and forcing me to look at him. "I am your mate and your Alpha. Nothing is going to change that. So if you don't learn to fit in soon, you're going to have a hard time." I bared my fangs, warning him off, but he didn't let go. He raised a hand to my face and gently stroked my cheek. I wanted so badly to rake my claws down his face, but the mate bond stopped me.

"You will be mine." He whispered, sending chills down my spine, I internally shuddered in disgust. As he began to lean in, I spat a large wad of spit right in his face. He recoiled, and I took my chance.

I twisted out of his grip and sprinted towards the tree line. Behind me, I heard the familiar yet sickening crack of bones as Blake shifted. I wouldn't be able to outrun him as a human, but if I shifted, I would lose my weapons.

"The trees!" Trinity cried. Nodding, I made a beeline for the nearest sturdy tree. Behind me, the sound of Blake's wolf grew louder and louder. I blocked it out and focused on the lowest hanging branch.


I jumped, grabbing the branch and swinging up into the tree. I could feel the whoosh of air and hear the clack of Blake's jaws snapping shut where my foot had just been. I didn't waste any time and climbed higher into the branches.

"You know you can't stay up there forever." I heard Blake call up.

"Watch us." Trinity smirked.

"You're in charge here." I told her.

"Gladly." I relinquished control of our mind, but continued to observe our surroundings.

With the flawless grace of the wolf she was, Trinity leapt from tree to tree, the constant motion was soothing and allowed me to think. I couldn't believe it had just been a day at Blake's. The time had dragged on so much. Three days since I'd turned 19 and my world was turned upside down. My mind wandered to him and the wave of pain and sadness washed over me. His warm arms wrapped around me, his fingers playing with my hair... I missed it all so much. Trinity whimpered, and my tears were soon ripped away in the wind. Above us, a hawk circled low, as if stalking us.

"Trinity..." I warned. She looked up and immediately dropped lower in the branches. Our black equipment allowed us to blend in with the shadows. Before long, the hawk landed in the clearing below us. We crouched down low, my knife gripped tightly in my hand, but we didn't dare move.

What happened next, was something neither of us could have ever guessed. The bird contorted and grew, the familiar sound of snapping bones filled the clearing. When it was done transforming, a figure stood in its place. And Keith was staring straight at me.

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