Chapter 15

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We watched the male from the shadows, the rain biting through our pelt, the cold seeming to seep through to our bones. He sat there trembling until his wolf seemed to take over and he shifted. The huge black wolf heaved itself to its feet and disappeared into the trees. We followed close behind, a blue-eyed phantom in the night. Due to the colour of our pelt, we had to rely on his mind to track him, otherwise he would have spotted us. 

There was a loud clap of thunder and Eclipse jumped, startled. She whined uncertainly, frightened by the severity of the storm. It was pouring down now, a wall of water lessened only slightly by the canopy above. 

"We need to find shelter." I yelled over the pounding of the rain.

"If we stop now, we'll have no chance of tracking them. The rain will wash away their scent." Eclipse countered. I had no idea why she was so hell bent on following this wolf, but I decided not to question her.

"Be careful." Was all I said.

We stayed under the cover of the trees as much as possible, but they were practically useless under the torrential downpour. I was beyond shivering, curled up at the back of our mind, trying to conserve my own body heat. It was a miracle that our wolf was still capable of doing anything with how cold it was getting. If it wasn't for the brief flashes of lighting, we would have lost the black wolf a long time ago. 

"We can't go on like this." I eventually told Eclipse.

"I know... but I need to talk with him." 


"You will find out soon, trust me." I wanted to ask more, but I knew it would be pointless. 

When the lightning next flashed, the black wolf was nowhere to be found. Eclipse stopped, her senses on high alert as she tried to locate the missing wolf. I reached out with my mind, searching for him. When I finally found him, it was too late.

He slammed into us from the side, snarling viciously as landed on our side. He had us pinned down beneath him, his glistening fangs bared as he glared down at us. My heart was racing in fear and adrenaline coursed through our veins. 

"Whatever happens, you are not allowed to take control. Let me handle everything."Eclipse told me, surprisingly calm. I just nodded, retreating to the back of our mind, watching anxiously. Eclipse proceeded to drop her head back, submitting to him. We watched him out of the corner of our eye, searching for any sign of the human within. To my horror, I could see no traces of sanity. Not registering my fear, Eclipse continued to submit to the seemingly crazed wolf.

To my amazement, the wolf eventually let go and stood back, regarding us with an air of hostility.

"Maya, this is going to feel weird for both of us, I have never tried this before. Do me a favour and shut up." Eclipse almost snarled at me. Shocked by her attitude, I nodded mutely. Gingerly, Eclipse reached out our mind, it was the first time I had had no control over our power, we'd always worked together with it and it felt weird to just have her controlling it. When we brushed his mind, instead of just watching his thoughts, Eclipse pushed at the invisible barrier; trying to get inside his head. I watched on in utter awe as she carefully manipulated her way through his mental barrier, that's when I realised what Eclipse was doing, she was trying to mentally communicate with the wolf!

After an agonisingly long time, Eclipse got through. Now, his terrifying emotions were overwhelming, surrounding me, drowning me. But now I also had to deal with his thoughts as well, and if I thought just the emotions were bad, they were nothing compared to the roiling mess of pain and despair; a hundred voices whispering in my ear. 

"Who is this?" A deep voice tore through the cacophony, brushing them to the side.

"My name is Eclipse, I am an Oracle." A what? I opened my mouth to ask, but shut it when I remembered Eclipse's request.

"There are no more Oracles, Olympia, the las Oracle died 19 years ago." The wolf snarled.

"And she was reborn in me."

"Lies!" He roared. "You dare lie to me about such matters?" The anger surging through the wolf's mind was truly terrifying, and I cowered away from him, begging Eclipse to stand down and stop aggravating him.

"Then tell me, how am I communicating with you right now, Loup?" Shocked that she knew his name, Loup didn't reply, but I could tell he was still sceptical.

"Prove it." Was all he said.


I opened my eyes, the sound of rain was all around me, but I was no longer getting soaked. Noticing my wakefulness, Trinity assaulted me with question after furious question.

"What were you thinking? Blocking me out and then lying there to freeze to death? Why would you block me out in the first place? Nyra! Talk to me!" I ignored her, the chasm in my chest seemed to have widened, and ached with every breath. I had thought that maybe, just maybe, I could be happy with Blake. But seeing him standing before me brought all the memories and pain flooding back to haunt me. 

His cold silver eyes that seemed to soften every time he laid eyes on me, that lopsided smile that was specially for me. The way he would play with my hair when he held me. But most of all, I missed the way he could wrap me in his arms and the world, and all my problems with it, seemed to disappear... 

That was where the memories faded from colour to black and white. Pain, anger and sadness ruled my life. The broken look in his eyes from my cruel words couldn't be further from the promise he made me all those months ago.

"You messed up." Trinity remarked softly. She was right, I had messed up. And I don't think this mistake could ever be corrected.

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