Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Hazza <3

"Oh, oh, oh, that's what makes you beautiful!" One Direction sang out. All five were singing, but I was only paying attention to one of the gorgeous boys standing right in front of me. And that was Harry Styles. My boyfriend. 

I was onstage at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The sold-out crowd was cheering. I was dancing. My name is Paige Williamson, and my two best friends Aria and Claire are backup dancers for One Direction. 

As soon as the final chords of "One Thing" struck, ending the concert, the fans went wild. Harry came over to me and swept me off of my feet. The crowd of anxious fans cheered even louder. Harry Styles had to be the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

Minutes later, I was backstage, gathering my things so I could pack it onto the tour bus. I had just slipped my curling iron into its case when someone jumped onto my back. I screamed and realized that it was Harry. 

"Hello, love," he said in his thick British accent as he planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"Hey, baby," I said as I curled up underneath him. "You were great tonight, as always." One Direction was (obviously) the best band ever. I'm not just saying that because I'm dating Harry Styles, though. I would probably be a fan even if I wasn't their head dancer. 

I ran my fingers through his hair. Harry was very protective of his luscious curls, but I was about the only one allowed to touch them. 

"So, wanna go out tonight?" he asked. 

"Well, it's eleven already," I added. "And it's a seven-hour drive to Sacramento."

"Sacramento can wait," he explained as he pulled me closer. 

"Harr-y," I said. "You can't skip your concert. Remember all the screaming fans we met tonight?" I reminded him.

"Okay," he agreed. "But tomorrow, after the concert, it's you and me."

"All right." I gave in. "Let's go to your bus, before they take off without us."

"Okay," he said and released me from his grip. I grabbed my Vera Bradley duffel and Harry grabbed his. He took my hand and we strolled out into the moonlight.

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