Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Liam ;3

*Harry's POV*

I looked back at my girlfriend Paige. She had no idea how much she meant to me. She smiled back, although I could tell she was worked up about something. Was it about me? No, it couldn't be. She's such a happy person. But it's possible. Could she be upset about my arm? Why would she be? My arm has nothing to do with her.

"All right, Mr. Styles. Just lie down right in there, and we'll take the X ray." The doctor opened the door and I went into the X ray room-alone. Meaning without Paige. As I laid down, I thought of how attached I  had been to her lately. She was my world. The doctor took the X ray of my arm, and I went to go see how it turned out. 

"It's broken, all right," the doctor announced. There was a huge crack at the bone right near my wrist. Just looking at the picture made it hurt even more. 

"Can I go back to Paige now?" I asked. As soon as I said it, I realized that I was probably scaring the doctor because of how much I talk about Paige. Louis and the guys know, too. I talk about her constantly, and there's never a moment when I'm not thinking about her.

"Yes, you can," the doctor said. "We're going to get you a cast. What color would you like?" I thought for a moment. All of the fans of One Direction would see and obsess over it. No matter what color I picked, our fans would all go crazy. 

"Um, how about neon green," I said, looking at the piece of paper the doctor had shown me. Neon green was Paige's favorite color.

"All right, you can go back to your girlfriend now. I'll be back there in a minute." I raced back into the room where Paige and Paul were. 

"PAIGEY!" I squealed like a little girl and hugged her (with the arm that wasn't broken).

*Paige's POV*

Harry ran up to me and screamed my name. He practlcally leaped into my arms. I could tell he was being extra careful to not let his arm touch anywhere. I turned to look at him.

"Is it broken?" I asked, despite the fact that I already half-knew the answer. 

"Yeah," he answered, not letting me out of his arms. He looked over at me and stopped squeezing so tightly.

"Paige," he said to me, "do you know how much I love you?" He gazed into my eyes with his twinkling green eyes.

"The question is," I began, "do you know how much I love you?" I pressed my lips against his, which melded into a long, passionate kiss.

"Um...hello?" the doctor knocked on the door quietly, snapping Harry and I out of our romantic moment. 

"Uhh...right," Harry said, quickly pulling out of the kiss. "My arm." We both sat up straight, giving each other a quick glance and smile. The doctor put on his neon green cast (my favorite color!) and then said that he could go. Paul led us out to the limo that was waiting for us. 

Harry and I cuddled up in the backseat together. His neon green cast nearly glowed in the dark of the windows. It was eleven o'clock already, and I was wondering what the boys were thinking. Did Paul tell the guys?

Paul sent someone from management to drop off the limo, and we got into the tour bus. Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all crowded around him and talked at the same time.

Liam shouted, "LEMME SEE!"

Louis yelled, "Nooooo!"

Niall screamed, "Oh my god! Hazza the fans are gonna go crazy!"

Zayn announced, "Dudddeeeee." 

They all kept talking at once. Liam was saying something about how the green looked pretty, Louis was freaking out about how he's going to hold a microphone with that (I'm positive that Harry will be able to hold a microphone), Zayn was babbling on about how the rollercoaster of life had knocked Harry off the ride, and Niall was tapping away on his iPhone, probably tweeting about it. 

"YOU GUYS!" Everyone stopped talking. Aria and Claire came in. 

"Omigod, what happened?" Aria asked. Everyone started talking at once again.

I sighed and pulled out my phone to check Twitter. The #1 trending topic was #GetWellSoonHarry. Oh, no. Someone had taken pictures of Harry and I rushing into the hospital. THIS. WAS. BAD.


Hey guys! 

So I'm trying to get some more reads on my book. PLEASEEEE share this with your friends! I will love you forever <3 Thank you so much! Please comment! thankss<3

Oh yeah, and I'm going to post a picture of me on my profile soon :) I'm just trying to find one where I don't look deranged XD

xoxo Lindsayyy ;3

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