Chapter 6

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I scrolled through some of the tweets that had #GetWellSoonHarry tagged with them.


@1d4evah: #GetWellSoonHarry Harry Styles was rushed to the hospital a few hours ago!

@niallslittleprincess: #WeLoveYouHarry #StayStrongHarry #GetWellSoonHarry xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxo!!! omgomgomg WHAT HAPPENED???? @harry_styles

@_no_jimmy_protested_xox: Harry Styles is in the hospital! Look at this picture of him and Paige! @harry_styles @paigeygirl19 #GetWellSoonHarry

Okay. There must be SOME way I can calm down the entire Internet. 

"Hazza!" I called. 

"Yeah, Paigey?" he asked, making his way over to me. 

"Come here, take a picture. We need to calm down Twitter. Somebody got a picture of the two of us going to the hospital and the Internet has just exploded."

"Okayy," he said and messed up his gorgeous curly hair. He showed off his signature cheeky smile. I held out my iPhone, and Harry held up his neon green cast. I took the picture, and hit the Tweet button. 

@paigeygirl19: @Harry_Styles and I are doing fine(: Just a broken arm, that's all! #WeLoveYouHarry xD

"Will you send the picture to me, love? You know, the five million followers might help." 

"Okay, baby," I said as I texted him the cute picture of the two of us. I opened Twitter back up, and it snapped back to the trending topics. The #3 topic was #WeLoveYouHarry, and #GetWellSoonHarry was already off the list. 

"Well, it's almost midnight, and we have a show tomorrow, so we should probably get to bed," Louis announced. 

"Yeah," I said as I walked towards Harry and I's shared room. "Night, guys," I said as I closed the door. I grabbed a pair of pajamas from my little dresser-thingy, and started changing- right as Harry walked in. 

I froze like a deer in the headlights. Harry stared for a moment (surprise, surprise), blinked twice, then ran out the door and slammed it shut.

"I'll be there in a minute, baby!" he said awkwardly, which surprised me. It was rare that Harry Styles was awkward like that. I rushed to get my pajamas on, and called out to Harry. 

"It's okay Hazza, you can come in now," I said calmly. He opened the door a crack to make sure I was dressed, and then walked in slowly. 

He sat down on our bed, scarred for a moment. I sat on his lap. 

"Does your arm still hurt?" I asked guiltily.

"A little," he admitted, "but I don't mind." He gave me a quick little peck on the cheek and I blushed. 

"Date tomorrow? You know, without the emergency room?" he asked with a smile.

"I'd love to," I said and snuggled up in his arms. He squeezed me tighter, and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, which made me feel a sense of security. 

"Well, Haz, you got a concert tomorrow, so you better get to bed," I said like a proper parent.

"But Paigeeyyyyyy," Harry said, obviously wanting to stay up all night. 

"C'mon, Haz," I said as I leaned backwards, causing him to fall back onto our bed. He laughed and pulled open the covers as we fell asleep together.

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