Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Zayn :)

"Harry!" I called, pulling myself towards him. He had stopped walking, and clenching his wrist in pain. 

"What happened?" I asked as I watched him start to quietly cry. "Harry, look at me."

He looked up with watery eyes. I clenched his hand and began pushing through the crowd. 

I screamed as loud as all of the fans put together (or at least it seemed) as I yanked Harry through the mob of fans. Before I knew it, Paul had appeared out of nowhere with a limo. He grabbed us and we were thrown into the limo and the door slammed shut just as the limo began screeching and speeding into the distance. 

I looked at Harry. He was shirtless, his shorts were in shreds, and he still hadn't let go of his wrist. 

"PAUL!" I screamed from the back of the limo. "We need to go to the hospital! And some new clothes!"

"NO, HARRY PROTESTED!" Harry loudly argued. "I'll be fine, Paige." But the tears in his eyes and the look of his wrist told me otherwise. 

"Step on it, Paul," I hollered. I felt like we were in a spy movie or something. The driver zoomed forward as I wrapped Harry into my arms. 

"It'll all be okay, Hazza," I said reassuringly (or so I hoped). He rested his head on my shoulder as Paul instructed the limo driver to get to the hospital as soon as possible. He had to be pushed up a few slots at the ER; after all, he was Harry Styles. 

Soon, the door opened and I led Harry outside. We appeared to be at a side door so we didn't get mobbed by fans again. Harry was still in my arms. Paul led us into the side door where Harry and I slipped in. We were in a back hallway; a typical hospital setting. Paul and a nurse led us up the elevator until we were into a small room. Harry and I were sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, squeezing my hand with the one that wasn't attached to a broken arm. He had refused to let go of me ever since we had left the mall.

Finally, someone from 1D's management (I wasn't sure who it was, but Harry did) walked in holding a bag.

"Um, your manager wanted me to give this to you," he said. He quickly handed the bag to Harry and scurried out of the room. 

Harry opened the bag (with his one free hand) and found a pair of fresh clothes inside.

"Uh, I'll be, back," he said to Paul. "Baby, come with me." He stood up.

"Umm...Harry," I said, "don't you have to, um, go to the bathroom to change?" I started blushing. 

"Oh, uh, yeah," he looked totally embarrassed. "I'll see you in a minute, Paige," he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead and quickly walked out the door to go to the bathroom. 

I sat on the bench where Harry was awkwardly for a few minutes. Paul was sitting down in the corner, e-mailing someone about what had just happened. I began to slightly feel guilty about what happened.

After a minute, Harry was back and sat down next to me. He smiled, although I could tell that he was in lots of pain. 

Finally, the doctor rushed in. He seemed very busy and stressed, so Paul tried to make it quick. 

"We think Harry here has a broken arm," he said quickly.

"All right," the doctor said as he pulled out a clipboard and flipped to a piece of paper. "So, how did you break it? That is, if it's broken, of course."

"Um, we got mobbed by fans when we were leaving the mall after our date," Harry explained, "and I wanted to protect Paige, since she's never been in a crazy mob of fans before. So I made sure she wouldn't get hurt, and I got hurt myself." He blushed and looked at me. I smiled, and he gave me a slight smile back, obviously embarrassed he had to explain his injury to the doctor.

"Well, let's take a look," the doctor said as he gently lifted Harry's arm to look at it. Harry winced again. "We're going to have to take an X-ray to see if it's truly broken. Come here, Mr. Styles. Miss Williamson, you're going to have to stay here."

My heart dropped when the doctor said I couldn't come. But I was surprised too, as I watched my loyal boyfriend drop my hand and walk out the door. He looked back one last time earnestly, and I smiled at him, although I was in emotional pain. I can't believe that Harry would put himself in danger for me.

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