Chapter 13: Final Chapter ♥

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  • Dedicated to All of my beautiful, wonderful readers ♥

I woke up to Harry massaging my hair with his fingers.

“Paige,” he said softly, “babe, we’re in Denver...” I stretched and gave him a kiss before sitting up. I grabbed my pre-packed duffel and costumes and started walking into the arena. Same routine every single night. Rehearse, hair and makeup, rehearse more, stretch, warm up, do the concert, get back into the tour bus, and do it all over again. 

That’s when it hit me- Denver was the last city in the tour. This was the last show of the tour. That’s why the choreographer had been putting so much pressure on us the last few days. I was going back to England for school in just a few days. Getting into my warmups, I headed to hair and makeup first, where Lou, the stylist, got us all dolled up for the final concert of the tour. 

She loaded us up with tons of makeup so the stage lights wouldn’t drown out our faces and wished me luck. I thanked her and headed out to the rehearsal room to stretch and warm up.

After about twenty minutes of working at the barre, we worked our splits and did a short warm-up. We practiced a couple of the trickier routines and went over the choreography for the finale. 

“I can’t believe this is the last show,” I said to Riley. “This was by far the best summer in the history of the world.”

“Neither can I,” she said in a daze.

We practiced a bit more, and by then it was time for the show to start.

Harry was standing backstage as the makeup artist attacked his face with a powder brush. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Good luck,” I said as he spun around and kissed me on the forehead. 

“PAIGE! CURTAIN GOES UP IN THIRTY!” I dashed out of his grip and smiled cheesily at the choreographer, whose hands were folded across his chest. “You know the rules, gotta be ready for the curtain,” he scolded as I stepped onto the platform to rise onstage. I heard the music start, and Aria, Claire, and I started dancing. taking breaks in between each song. During the intermission, we went to go get some water and an energy bar, since we didn’t eat dinner. 

Before I knew what was happening, it was time for the finale. The band had been instructed to play I-don’t-know-how-many bars of accompaniment instead of Harry’s solo in WMYB, so they could thank the audience for the final show on the tour.

Aria, Claire, and I got to stand with the boys after we danced for the first half of the song. Liam got to talk first.

“I want to thank each and every one of you guys, the fans, for coming to all of our concerts, and never getting bored of us. I love you guys!” Liam passed the mike down to Louis.

“You guys are amazing, don’t ever forget that. We want to thank everyone at management and the tech producers for making all of the shows a success! Thank you!” Next, it was Zayn’s turn.

“I want to thank everyone who comes to our concerts, Management, my family, everyone’s great. This has been such a blessing, I love you!” Niall took the stage next.

“Thanks to my family, everyone back in Mullingar, this is absolutely insane and I’m still loving every second of it. See you next year!” Lastly, it was Harry’s turn.

“I love you Mum,” he began, not even realizing he was saying it. “Thank you to everyone who’s helped us on tour, and”...he paused a moment and looked at me. “My lovely girlfriend, Paige. I love you.” He gave me a kiss on the top of my head and the crowd went crazy. I smiled and waved at the screaming teenage girls. The band took their final bows, and we headed backstage. We finished up the routine, getting into the tour bus. But instead of going to bed, Aria, Claire, and I were taking a red-eye flight home. 

Packing my bags, a few tears streamed down my cheeks, but they weren’t sad tears, like they had been the past few days. They were happy tears, because I had the time of my life these past few days.

A few hours later, I was standing at the airport gate with my best friends and the boys. We hugged goodbye, but when I came to Harry, he lifted me off the ground and spun me around, hugging me tightly to his chest. I smiled, not leaving out of his grip. 

“Flight 2340 to London is now boarding,” the flight attendants read out. “Zone One passengers may report to the gate for departure.” I bet the boys were staring at us now, since I was back on my feet and somehow, Harry’s lips had made his way to mine. His hands were on my waist, and my arms were around his neck. He finally pulled out. 

“I love you.” he whispered in his deep voice. I could see the tears running down his face. 

“I love you too,” I said, linking my pinky finger with his and taking my suitcase. 

“I’ll miss you.” I began to walk away, slowly unlinking my pinky finger and waving goodbye to Harry as the flight attendant scanned my ticket. I blew him a kiss as we stepped into the plane, leaving him for a long, long time.


I want to thank all of my readers for, well, reading this! I know there's not many of you, but each and every comment, read, and vote means so much to me! ♥

I love you. ♥

~lindsay. (aka LoveYouEndlessly1D)

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