Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Nialler <3

Harry takes my hand into his. I take a step down out of the tour bus with Harry and we are completely surrounded by fans. Hundreds of girls are screaming and holding various items out for Harry to sign. He lets go of my hand (to my dismay) and starts signing T-shirts, books, posters, and anything else a teenage girl could possibly want Harry Styles to sign. Which could mean anything.

After at least ten minutes, Harry and I walk through the side entrance, into a huge hallway with a dozen dressing rooms. He gave me a quick kiss and headed into his dressing room, while I headed into the room that Aria, Claire, and I were instructed to share. There were three stylists, eager to get the three of us into our "One Thing" costume. 

Finally, it was seven o'clock, time to start the show. Aria, Claire, and I stepped into the elevators underneath the stage (smaller ones near where 1D entered) and heard the anxious screams of the audience. It was go time.

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Harry and I were sitting in one of the back rows of the movie theater, at a midnight showing of The Avengers. I wasn't completely interested in violence, taking over the world, evil, aliens, and all that crap- I just wanted to spend some time with him. But seriously, next time, I pick the movie.

As one of the scariest parts of the movie began, I felt Harry's hand close around mine. He pulled me closer, and before I knew it, his soft lips were pressed against mine. He wrapped his hands around my neck, and from there, I just became absorbed in what we were doing. 

Time stopped when we were together. I don't know how long it lasted for, but it was probably one of the best moments in my life. 

His finger grazed my cheek, and we slowly pulled apart.

"I love you," he said, not letting go.

"I love you, too," I said as I carefully placed my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and didn't pull them away until the movie was over.

He took my hand and walked me out of the theater. He had just opened the door out of the Sacramento mall when we saw the mob of screaming fans circling around us. I was terrified. I'd never actually been in a crazy mob of fans before, but evidently Harry knew exactly what to do. He clenched my hand tighter and started pulling me through the crowd. Girls were yelling, screaming, trying to rip his clothes off and his hair out. 

Girls were grabbing me too. Apparently they thought that Harry Styles's girlfriend was somehow the key to Harry Styles. 

I squeezed Harry's hand tighter as we attempted to brush through the crowd. The girls were still screaming, and attempting to get some sort of "souvenir" from Harry. He was now shirtless, and his hair was even more messed up than it normally is. He was using his one free hand to try to push his way through, until I heard a crack come right from his arm. To my surprise, he dropped my hand as I watched him wince in pain.

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