Chapter 12

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As the concert ended, we once again packed up everything and headed back onto the road. Management decided that the boys needed to do some songwriting on the bus, so on our way to Denver, Louis picked up a pencil and a legal pad and announced to the boys, “Let’s write a song.” 

He sat down on the couch, the other boys following, tapping the pencil onto the coffee table eagerly. I sat down next to him. 

“What do you have so far?” I asked.

“Well, it’s called ‘Louis’s Song,’” he said. “Temporary title.”

Niall sat down with his guitar. “Well, you’re going to need some kind of music,” he said, strumming his fingers up and down the strings. He plinked out a slow melody, climbing the scale up and down. 

“Hey, I like that,” I said. “Play it again.” 

We experimented for a while, until we finally had the chorus of Lou’s song. He had decided to write it for his little sisters, just in case someone broke their hearts.

Through it all

Through everything

I hope you know I’ll be there

And if they break your heart

They’ll have to deal

With me...

“Maybe this isn’t the best song for the band to sing,” Liam courageously admitted. “I mean, it’s going to need some revising.” Lou stared at him. “I mean, it’s a perfect song, I love it, it’s so perfect, you’re amazing,” Liam said, patting him on the shoulder. Louis beamed.

“We can work on it later. I’m going to call El.” He walked back to his room, leaving us awkwardly sitting together. I saw Harry scribble something on a sticky note and stick it in his pocket.

“What was that?” I asked, curious to what he wrote.

“Nothing,” he said and smiled at the ground. I figured that I’d find out sooner or later, so I left him alone.

“I should get a start on my summer book report,” I admitted. “Since you guys ruined my life, I haven’t gotten to work on it at all.”

“You’re welcome for that,” Zayn laughed as I headed back to my room, opening the curriculum packet. I had to read a 500-page novel and write an essay on it. Fun.

I sat on my bed, reading a boring novel my English teacher had assigned. I heard the boys laughing in the other room.

“Shut up!” I heard Harry yell at someone.

“OW!” That came from Niall. I laughed at the fact that they were all technically adults, but acted like seventh-grade boys. I yawned, not paying attention to the book at all. I looked out the tinted window in Harry and I’s room, that showed that we were driving through the mountains. Still exhausted from the previous night, and not having a good excuse to stay awake, I slowly fell asleep.

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