Chapter 11

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When I woke up, it was overly bright outside. I opened my eyes to see that Niall had stolen the remote from Harry and I and was watching a football game.

“Go-go-go-go-go-YEAH!” Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn cheered as number 29 scored a goal. I slowly pulled my phone to look at the time- 2:30! I had missed LUNCH! I slowly slid myself out of Harry’s firm grasp, hoping not to wake him up. 

“Hey, Paige,” Liam said absentmindedly. “You’re finally awake. Pizza’s in the fridge, you can warm it up. Aria and Claire are looking for you, and I told them you were asleep.” He smiled proudly after he finished his newsfeed. 

“Thanks,” I say and head into Aria and Claire’s room. Aria was practicing her split, and Claire was texting. 

“Hey, look who’s awake!” Aria took out her earbuds, which had the faint sound of ‘Stole My Heart’ beating out of them. “You two looked pretty cozy,” she whispered loudly, looking at Claire. 

“Dish,” they both said together.

“Well,” I began, “it’s a long story that will be saved for a sleepover back home.” I smirk, and they both squeal. 

“Fine,” Claire gives in. “Have it your way.”

Aria goes back to stretching and Claire starts scrolling through Tumblr. I take out my phone and lift my foot up to set it onto the dresser. I open Twitter and scroll through my ordinary newsfeed. I kicked my leg up and off the dresser, still sore from last night. My hamstrings hurt so bad. Sure enough, there were a few squares of pizza left in the fridge (I assumed Niall had eaten most of it).

So I took two and heated them up. I turned around and bumped into Harry’s chest.

“Hey!” I said stupidly. “We were out for a while.”

“Yeah.” he said drowsily as he picked a piece of pizza off of my plate and took a bite. 

“No!” I said accusingly and stole the pizza back. “Mine.” I bit into it, leaving traces of my red lipstick on the cheese. He stole it back and took off running. I chased after him.

“I’m gonna get you, Styles!” I got ahold of the pizza and took another bite, only to get kissed on the lips by Harry. Distracted, I loosened my grip on the pizza, and he grabbed it, running the other way.

“You’re so mean!” I said as I used the full force of my dancers’ legs to run and jump on his back. I wrapped my legs around him and covered his eyes, before snatching the pizza back and getting the last bite. He tilted his head back and let me plant a soft kiss on his lips. I laughed and kept eating.

“There’s the Niall in you,” he said and smiled, setting me down on the couch. I finished my pizza and got some chips and onion dip from the cupboard to snack on. I brought some into the living room for the boys, who Aria and Claire had recently joined. The football game had ended and they were watching a game of basketball. I set the snacks down on the coffee table, which the boys quickly inhaled. After an hour, the tour bus finally came to a stop.

I grabbed my duffel bag and assortment of costumes and headed out to the door going into the stadium, making sure there were no screaming fans out to get us.

All of us got our hair and makeup done, and the boys went out for mike check while Aria, Claire, and I warmed up with the choreographer. 

Rehearsing the tricky dance combinations a few times, we got all stretched out, and the concert went ordinarily. The fans were lively and great, not that I wasn’t one. I wasn’t any more special than any girl in the crowd...I had just gotten really lucky.

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