Chapter 9

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At 6 am, my alwarm started having a temper tantrum. I groaned and slammed my hand on the snooze button. I rolled over and saw that Harry had already gotten up to shower. The tour bus was leaving in exactly an hour. I stood up, sore and exhausted from last night. I had only gotten about four hours of sleep. I drowsily zipped open my suitcase and shuffled through the mess. Skirts, tops, sneakers, heels, sweaters, hoodies...

I grabbed a floral high-low skirt and white crochet sweater, along with a pair of Toms. (bought for me for my birthday by none other than the fabulous Louis Tomlinson himself) I was just going to be hanging around on the tour bus all day, anyway. I heard the bathroom door open, and Harry walked out with a comb in his hand and a towel rested on his waist. His famous green eyes lit up when he saw me standing in the middle of the hotel room. "Hey!" He grinned, which instantly turned into a smirk when he realized what I looked like. "Have fun last night?" 

I laughed and threw a pillow at him. He can be so immature sometimes. "I'm going to change," I said, stating the obvious. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower (periodically poking my head out making sure Harry wasn't peeking) before changing into my outfit for the day. I grabbed my makeup bag and hair straightener and made myself look presentable. I left the bathroom, and Harry was picking up the pizza box and random items that had been left on the floor after last night. "Paul's getting the luggage in five minutes," he said with a hint of panic in his voice when he heard me walk in. I could tell he was struggling with his broken arm...he had last night too. I felt horrible. I helped pick up the trash and wrappers on the floor, but the ache in my stomach wouldn't go away. If he hadn't been protecting me, then none of this would have happened.

I sighed and threw the garbage into the trash can when Paul walked in. "Hey guys, the bus is leaving," he said and grabbed our luggage to put onto the cart. I grabbed one of Harry's massive hands (the one that wasn't attached to a broken arm, obviously) and he squeezed mine. I looked up at him and he smiled. "Come on, kids," said Paul forcefully, clearly not amused. We rode down the elevator and headed out into the back, where Harry helped load the stuff into the bus and I stepped in to our little house on wheels. I ran into the living room and spread out on the couch. Louis walked in as I sunk in to the cushy fabric. "Have fun last night, Paige?" he said and winked. I laughed and playfully punched him. "Paul doesn't know, does he?" I whispered. "Let's hope he's a deep sleeper," Louis answered cryptically, to which I punched his arm again. He laughed and pulled out his phone with a huge grin on his face. 

"El!" he said into the speaker. "I miss you!" He walked away to his room and I tought about how happy he souded. I smiled to myself as Harry ran into the room and jumped on top of me. I screamed, but didn't move at all. I might have enjoyed it a little as he planted his lips on mine. I giggled at the tacky move, still liplocked. Zayn walked in the room and was shocked like a deer in the headlights. "I-I'll be over here," he said awkwardly before running to his bedroom to flind Louis. Harry and I stayed in the same position for a few minutes, before leaning out of the kiss. 

Hey guys! Sorry this wasn't a long chapter, I'll explain later. I wrote this in study hall and typed it real late at night. so bye :)

EDIT: Hello readers! So far I have seven of you! (Six of which are probably me!) Sorry I couldn't write a full author's note last night, I really needed to go to bed because it was late! So I've decided that this will probably be a few more than 10 chapters. (Yay!) I've got an idea in my head for a Niall love story, and possibly a new Harry one, but I think the Niall one will be easier to write because I've got the plot in my head right now :) haha!

Sorry this was a short chapter! I'll update it in about 5 minutes :) I wrote in study hall again! You're welcome! And this is dedicated to Rosey because she's Rosey. :) And...HI!

And you're welcome Kaitlyn.

Forever Love: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now