Chapter 7

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Hey guys! So I decided to do a DOUBLE UPLOAD because I decided this is gonna be a short story :( Because 1...I'm not getting any views on this...AT ALL :P and 2...this story is really lame anyway. So yeah... this is probably going to be a 10-chapter story. And this is Chapter it!! And the first author I thought of to dedicate this to was Lynsey. So yeah HIIII! Kaythanksbye. xx Lindsay

(BTW, anyone ship Linarry? (me and Harry) Haha I do xD)


I had an hour before my date with Harry. Today, in an effort to NOT come across any fans, we were going to order pizza in our hotel room. We were in Las Vegas, and since we were spending two nights, we were going to stay in a fancy hotel. 1D was registered under the name "Paulene Higgerman," which was Paul's alter ego. I have to say, she's got a pretty cool name.

I showered after the concert and got dressed in a purple sparkly tank top and a pair of white denim shorts. Aria curled my hair for me and I put on a little bit of makeup. We weren't going clubbing, we were going to be in a bright hotel room. WITH THE CURTAINS SHUT. Like seriously, we didn't need to get mobbed by fans again. I wondered what the news thought about this whole thing. Eh, management took care of that. I'm pretty sure that wasn't a big deal anyway. I grabbed my purse and was about to get out of the tour bus when I crashed right into Harry. 

"Holy-" he stopped and smiled. "Hey, Paigey," he said. "Ready for our date tonight?" He smirked. I gave him the Louis Tomlinson sass face. "No." I said. "You have a concert tomorrow. And wait, SO DO I." He pouted for a moment and stuck out his arm, ready to escort me to the hotel room. I took his arm and Paul escorted the both of us to the desk. He whispered to the woman working, and she nodded. "Right this way," she whispered back. She led us behind the desk to a small concealed elevator. It led the three of us right into a back hallway. What a cool hotel! 

We sat in the gorgeous room, with a pretty view of Las Vegas, stuffing our mouths with New York-style pizza. I had gotten him hooked on it once I took him on a whirlwind tour of my favorite city in the world. Luckily, we were alone, and Paul and each of the other boys and Aria and Claire had a room somewhere else in the hallway.

"Hey," he whispered. "Wanna go take a walk?" 

"But we're not allowed out of here," I protested. "Paul would kill us."

"Paul would kill me," he said. "Come on." He stood up and held out his hand. After a minute of arguing with him, I gave up and stood up. I grabbed my jean jacket, and a hoodie for Harry. 

"Don't get mobbed again," I said, handing him the purple Jack Wills sweatshirt. It was one of my favorite things that he wore. He pulled it over his head, took my hand, and quietly walked out the door. He tiptoed through the hall, unlike me, who burst out of the door and started ninja-kicking. He joined in, and soon we were having a full-out dance routine in the hallway. He slid his black room key into the elevator, which swiftly opened and we stepped in quietly. We rode it downstairs, where we slipped out the revolving door. We walked in silence for a few minutes, until we found a park bench on the side of the street. I sat down, and Harry joined me.

I leaned into him, and felt his warmth for a moment. I wrapped my arms around him, and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Harry?" I asked as we sat together in the moonlight.

"Yes, love?"

"We're going to college next year. What will happen--to us?"

"It doesn't matter. All that matters to me is you. And this moment." He pulled me tighter, and released my worries out of my mind for good.

"My love is forever."

"Forever love," I agreed.

We sat together for a while longer before making our way back to the hotel and sneaking back upstairs. We were lucky Paul hadn't found out. We ate some more pizza, finishing off the huge pie, before going down to the hotel cafè at midnight and having a "midnight snack" of ice cream sundaes before the restaurant closed. I figured that since I'm a dancer, I should burn enough calories to eat ice cream for every meal.

We headed back upstairs again and hung out for about an hour before deciding to go to bed.

I went to the bathroom, and Harry stayed in the bedroom. (Surprised? I wasn't.) I got into a pair of plaid pants and a football jersey from Holmes Chapel that Harry had gotten me. It was my favorite shirt and I couldn't stop wearing it. I peeked out of the bathroom, making sure that Harry wasn't peeking at me through the crack of the door naked. He wasn't in sight, so I slipped out and saw Harry sitting on the bed, in his Ramones shirt and boxers, checking his phone. I walked closer to him, and saw tears welling up in his eyes. 

"Harry?" I asked, afraid to break the silence. I sat down next to him, and he looked up at me. I took his phone out of his hand, which he had loosened his grip on, and looked at the screen.

Not again.

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