Epilogue: Four Years Later

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  • Dedicated to The band that I live for. ♥

Four years later, Paige and Harry are still dating, and they’ve managed to make it work. One Direction is still a wild craze everywhere, and Paige is going to college with a major in business and a minor in dance at Cambridge University. She is once again dancing for One Direction. Tonight is the final show of their 2016 World Tour, and Harry has something to ask Paige.

*Paige’s POV*

Today was, once again, the last show of the tour. I keep having flashbacks of that first tour with the boys around the United States, Harry and I cute little high school sweethearts. But since it’s lasted since my senior year of college, I guess it’s more than that.

I’m still in awe as to the whole “dating Harry Styles of One Direction” thing. I mean, this stuff never happened in real life. It didn’t feel like my life. It felt like I was reading an imagine on Tumblr.

Today’s last show was in London, England, and the crowd was especially excited tonight. Even this morning, it seemed like something exciting was about to happen.

“PAIGEY!” Harry shook me awake. “Up up up up up!!” He beamed at me, and I threw a pillow at him. 

“What time is it?” I mumbled.

“Eight,” he answered.

“Too early.” I rolled over and covered my head with the sheets. Just as I was about to fall back asleep, I felt two strong hands lift me out of the bed bridal style and I screamed.

“Oh my god, Harry,” I said. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“I told you it was time to get up,” he protested, setting me down on the couch. 


“Fiiine.” I staggered off the couch. It wasn’t like I was going to get any more sleep anyway. 

I showered and got dressed in a floral top and white shorts. I was SO lucky it was August. 

“What do you want, Curly?” I asked. It was only nine o’clock, and he was SO hyper.

“Come on, I made you breakfast!” He giggled and dragged me into the kitchen by my arm. 

He had two place settings ready, with a candle in the middle, and a stack of pancakes at each place setting. 

“It’s perfect.” I gave him a kiss and sat down, starting to slowly eat the pancakes. 

“Seriously, what is UP with you today? You’re never alive before ten.”

Niall and Liam came in. They didn’t say anything, but Liam looked a bit confused. Niall whispered something to him, and he smiled. 

“Hi,” I said to them, trying to break the silence. They just giggled and ran out of the room. Huh. Something was really strange today.

And here we are, about to take our final bows in my fifth tour with the boys. It was absolutely unbelievable that I’d been with them so long.

Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis said the obvious- thanking the fans, management, and their family. But when the mike was handed to Harry, he stopped for a moment. 

“Well,” he said. “I actually have one more song for you tonight.” He looked at the boys, who smiled, and the band, who began playing something I’d never heard before. That sent me into a panic attack. I looked at the other dancers. What was I supposed to do? They didn’t look like they had a clue either. 

Harry started singing, and the boys backed him up. I listened to the lyrics, just standing there.

He sang about meeting a girl in an unlikely way, knowing it would break hearts, loving her forever, and never letting her go. 

“The way she dances makes my mind spin.”

That’s when I knew it was about me. I started crying because I loved him so much. When he was finished, I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. He squeezed me back, and it felt perfect.

He came out of the hug, and slowly reached his hand into his pocket and got down on one knee.

I gasped. 

“Paige Annemarie Williamson,” he began, “will you marry me?”

I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks. He slid the perfectly-fitting diamond ring on my thin finger, and kissed it. The fans were quiet for a moment, and then screamed louder than they ever had before. He stood up, and put me on his shoulders. I waved to the crowd, then leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead. 

He set me down and squeezed me in a tight hug. 

“I love you so, so much,” he whispered. 

“I love you too.”

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