Chapter Seven: Hopefully Not Forever

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"You've reached Row, and I obviously can't come to the phone. Say what you need to say after the beep,"

"Still not picking up?" Tyler asked me while we stood outside of the pack house at eleven. I shook my head and nodded looking around us. Surprisingly, his friend couldn't make it and since Row isn't picking up, I'm going to the beach with Tyler alone.

"Where's your car?" He asked me walking down the porch.

"Don't have one,"

"You don't have a car? That the first thing I got when I came here."

"Don't need one, Row drives me everywhere, and we're always together, but I'm going to get a car soon enough,"

We got into this car and drove towards the beach. "So this Markus thing, do you think you're ever going to forgive him?"

"I don't know," I replied. "Maybe, but why should I?"

"He's your mate, we all make mistakes."

"Ty, everyone knows about our relationship and how it works. I don't like it and he continues on with it because he can. I don't think I can love someone who can hurt me like that and not care," I took a piece of his dark curls in between my fingers. "I want someone to love me."

"Who doesn't?" He looked back and forth between me and the road. I chuckled and sat back in my seat, pulling my left knee up to my chest. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not walking in sand with heels on," I slipped off the other. "Unless you want me to break my neck?"

"No, never." He smirked and we pulled up to a parking space in an empty parking lot.

"Bare tonight,"

"More for us," He said placing his hand on the small of my back and pushed me towards the sand. We walked on the beach for a while talking about any and everything and it felt nice for someone, an actually male, to have this type of interaction with me.

I felt mischievous and tapped him on the shoulder, "You're it!" Before booking down the sand. I knew he would catch me, even if I tried my hardest. Alpha vs. Amazon, would totally love to see that on paid per view.

I laughed as he was running after me and we got pretty far, on the account I didn't have shoes on and he did. I felt an arm wrap around me and yank me back into their body and nuzzled his face into my hair. "Got you. Now what's my reward?"

" A reward? Hm... How about this?" I leaned in closely to his face, lips almost touching...and I jerked to the right, out from under him and ran down the beach to the water.

The cool water tickled my toes and I felt warm hands grasp my hips lovingly. I sighed, letting my body lean against his and inhale his smell. Smelled like tree and spices, nothing like Markus's leathery musk that always excited me. His smell wasn't the same, but it wasn't bad either. I could grow to like it if I put my mind on it.

"Really no reward?"

"What am I doing Tyler?" I exhaled slowly.

He understood my meaning and wrapped his arms around my shoulder and placed his chin on the top of my head. My hands held his arms. "Living."

"This isn't right," I looked up at him. "And you know it too."

"They can have fun and we can't? I didn't find my mate yet and your mate is a completely ass-I mean he isn't being such a good mate and your suffering. When I find a very attractive girl, with a frown set on her beautiful face, I pangs my heart. I want to have fun too."

"I'll get you kill,"

"Probably just banished." He joked. He caressed my cheek and nuzzled closer, like the warmth and attention he gave me. "He wouldn't do anything if you say not to, back home, I'll probably be dead for talking to you out of Alpha code, but you northerners have mercy here."

My Arrogant Mate Is An Alpha Jerk [Book 2 of Alpha Mate Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now